sunnuntai 16. syyskuuta 2012

The little oddities

I like icecream. Just the weird thing is that I don't eat icecream when most people do(in the summer when it's hottest). For some reason, I like eating icecream in the autumn, when evenings are getting dark and it's cooler. If it's dark, it's a plus.

 Now that I'm here writing, I might as well go through last weekend&Tracon.

On friday evening at approximately 2050 I boarded the train that would take me&other folks from around here to Tampere. The rip was pretty cozy, I was accompanied by a plethora of people from my upper secondary's art line(year younger than me's). The jolly surprise was that Ansku, a friend of mine from years' back was travelling with us on the same train, same car, and on the seat next to me. Now I'm not a religious man that much, but someone rolled a crit there. Apart from not sleeping in practice at all, the trip was ok. (I was fighting with myself about hugging Ansku for thewhole trip because she looked so miserable when she was constantly woken as the train stopped and continued and from the annoying announcements.)

On saturday morning we embarked from the train, and spent the couple morning hours sitting and waiting at the trainstation, with couple of us still sewing their costumes together. With a quick swap to my robes, I was set for the oncoming con pretty quick. Me&Ansku set for the consite four hours before the rest, as they stayed behind to finish their costumes.

 I and Ansku spent the morning pretty much walking about at the consite, talking, taking photos and such. This was somewhat of a new experience to me, as I usually wander in cons by myself, but it was nice to have company for once. I met with couple of old friends during that time too, and too k some gorgeous photos of Ansku, even if I say so myself. I had forgotten my own camera's card back home, so I was using friend's Canon EOS. Now I loathe Canon's, but a must is a must. And I learnt to appreciate the almost instant shuttertime compared to the ~second's delay on my Fujifilm. I still love that old wreck, though =3

 Around midday, when the rest of the group had hobbled to the site, we went to eat. At first we were pondering where to go, but in the end we opted for the pizza place at the trainstation(I see a pattern here...). It's a good place, it was prolly the third or so time I was there, and the food was as good as it had been the times prior. Sadly some time after our returnto the con I got separated from the rest of th group and hardly saw them for the rest of the time. Greatest regret of the day was not being able to see Ansku off, as she had to leave on the saturday afternoon.

 Most of the afternoon&evening on saturday I spent sitting in a corner for reasons not discussable. It was pretty stupid and my behaviour was dickish toward certain someone, but I hope she can fogive me one day.(Not that I deserve it) Once I was back on my feet I did my best to make up for the time lost. I also met someone I hadn't seen in too long time.

 Around midnight people started to disembark to their respective housings for the night. As it had formed as a tradition to me, I opted to remain at the consite and struggle awake for the night. It was pain, and stupid over all, but I managed with the help of a great friend who played "Remove Kebab" from his Galaxy tab. During the night we also had he bright idea of retrieving food from a McDonalds in the city center. Now I admit, goiung into a fast food joint during sat-sun night, dressed as a monl with a sword on his back ain't the sharpest thing to do. I expected to be stabbed or something, but I was hit on by a drunk woman instead. I also received countless "samurai" and "Aragorn" shouts during my eating time in that sorry excuse of a restaurant. But the real adventure of this trip began only after we stated our return to the safety of the consite. As I exited, I received one more shout about my sword from a drunk person, and I shrugged it off just like any other. What I didn't, was the feeling and sound of my sword pulled from it's scabbard. After a brief bedlam I was able to reclaim my weapon, and I set for the consite again with my friend. One more adventure down more or less safe and sound.

Sunday began as saturday did, just mindlessly wandering about the con-area at first. I and my friend were able to steal a couple of hours of sleep on the consite's second floor, as the security was too busy patrolling the 1st floor. After that we stumbled upon a nice media student from the capital, whom with we discussed various topics for an hour or so. I also apparently saved a russian's life during that morning, am not certain. Or I'm looking forwards to a hell of a phone bill sometime soon.

 I had my panel about propmaking at 1200, which went reasonably well considering that I had slept maybe three hours in three days time. that's about 70h of being awake. After the panel. rest of the day went again with wandering the site, and playing a post-apocalyptic RPG with a couple friends. I also watched a lecture about cults, and made a magnificent exit there.

 At the end of the day, it went like it usually does; saying goodbyes and hugging people nd one handshake(because I wasn't allowed a hug although the person claims to like my hugs. Controversial, but not really my problem). It was a sad moment, as it always is. But I'll see them again. I hope.

 The train back was suprisingly painless for me. I slept 80% of the time, only out of exchaustion as I can't sleep in trains. My friends were harassed by drunk people, and I'm still a bit bitter for them no waking me up as I tend to be big and scary for people who don't know me. But in the end everything was fine and we were home safe and sound. Only that I had the English listening comprehension matriculation exam at 0800 on monday morning(I was in rovaniemi at 0730). But it went okay.

I think I've rambled on about now for too long. I have the English Matriculation proper at 0900 today, so I better go catch some sleep, or try at least.

'Til next con.