maanantai 31. joulukuuta 2012

2012 in quotes.

Quotes I've collected along the past year.

-You can still retaliate by bombng until it's an abstract glasswork glowing in the dark
-"What's going on in there?
I'm drinking progressively more rum"
-"...And what the HELL is Nathan Fillion doing in this movie?!"
-Maybe you can't count but there's four of us.
So go get more and it'll be an even fight.
-I'm sorry, I only speak in movie trailer quotes.
-Paras ratkaisu tähän tilanteeseen on fyysisen väkivallan käyttö.
-Pelkään vain että provosoiva persoonani sytyttäisi maailman tuleen, mutta koetan hillitä itseni.
-The barracks are fairly comfortable , and there's wireless internet available. Just don't harass the roaches. THey live here, we're guests, and they outnumber us all.
-If toiletpaper was made of nails, there'd be a lot more assholes.
-In the future, if you need any support at all, please don't hesitate to look elsewhere.
-Really, we're building a lane while we fly it.
-We're trying to sort out a common definition of problem. So far we've only managed to agree that there is a problem.
-I'll be go to hell..
-Real greatness is what yu do with the hand you've been dealt.
-For all they take, a sword shall perish by the sword.
-So what do you believe in? I believe in ammunition.
-That's ugly enough t remember.
-Want me to gag him?
Why, am I starting to make sense?
-I am the hammer, the right hand of The Emperor, the instrument of his will, the gauntlet about his fist, the tip of his spear, The edge of his sword.
-Spirit of noxious Immateria, begone from hence! For The Emperor of manking, manifold be his blessings, watches over me, so that I shall not fear the Shadow of the Warp.
-War is not about glory, War is about victory!
-Whilt we stand, we fight. And whilst we fight, we will prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath.
-Cuz I'm off at 8 and hammered by 0805.
-How are the drinks here?
Great, if you like rat piss.
Never tried it.
-It's the FBI, they're dumb, not deaf.
-You already brok y heart, is it neccessary to shoot it too?
-A wise man always greets strangers with respect, for he might be looking into the eye of an enemy.
-When in doubt, advance.
-It's painless
It's pointless.
-I'm sure that's one of god's tricks. But getting out of places no-one else can, that's one of mine.
-If you're here to test my loyalty, you've only managed to test my patience.
-The toughest assignment is always the next one.
-Is there a name for what's wrong wth you?
Yeah, the script.
-Niin kovin helpostin ihminen kadottaa elämältään tarkoituksen.
-El cadalso.
-Terrain is said to be moderately contoured with moisture, which I think is Tactical's way of saying precipices with waterfalls.
-I thought you were dead.
I get that a lot.
-I'm not the mechanic, I mostly just hurt people!
-It's like trying to talk to a brick wall that also hates you.
-Some call it faith, I call it hopeful ignorance.
-Power is simply ower, it's neither good or bad, it just is.
-Nothing worth knowing can be taught.
-Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do!
-Minua ei tarvi lepytellä, minä olen kevyesti humalassa.
-You don't have to understand the dark. That's the thing about it; it doesn't need to be understood. It's just the dark. It's what it is.
-It's better to be a part of the few than a part of the most.
-Neutrality doesn't mean nonchalancy and heartlessness. Emotions shouldn't be killed. It's enough if you kill the hatred in yourself.
-Well, I'm lost, I'm angry, and armed. So you mind telling me what' going on?
-a man's reach should exceed his grasp.
-Dotrine is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
-If the corps wanted you to have a wife, they'd issued you one.
-I carry a gun because a police officer is too heavy.
-Watch your back, conserve your ammo, and don't deal with dragons.
-Ihmisen ei ole hyvä olla yksin. Mutta parempi.
-Paha saa enemmän palkkaa.
-Was nich ist, kann noch werden.
-A vow of obediency is not the same as a vow of stupidity.
-Faith means nothing if it's nonexistent.
-When you have sympathy for your enemies, you have the wrong kind of friends.
-I made a book out of your friends, and you didn't listen. I'll return when I have made a library.
-Mitä väliä on millä se matti 50v ampuu jos joku desantti eksyy kurikan vesilaitokselle
-I'm not a sword, I only hold the sword. There's a big difference.
-Ei se oo suklaata jos kysytään verottajalta.
-Every problem on earth can be solved with a precise application of high explosives.
-You seem to have a habit of missing the point.
-We've found the enemy and it's us.
-That's a short conversation. I think it might be over already.
-Seuraavaksi tapahtuu seuraavaa seuraavassa järjestyksessä seuraavalla tavalla.
-Ei kannata uskoa mitä varusmiehet teille kertoo. 90% mitä varusmiehet puhuu on täyttä paskaa. Eli jos joku sanoo sata sanaa, niin voitte heti karsia 90 pois, ja loput onkin sitten vaan vittuja.
-Mitä nopeammin, sitä nopeammin.
-Hetkinen perkele, nyt ei täsmää.
-Kovat jätkät osaa moduloida 56k modeemia pelkällä suulla.
-Mä vaan pyörin sängyssä kuin Darwin haudassaan Christian science museumin avajaisissa.
-Irritant, yes I am. Oh you mean the product.
-This is exactly the kind of problem that can be solved with a baseball bat.
-A slightly tragic medical condition.
-When push comes to shove, you have to do what you love, even if it's not a good idea.
-Reality's not what it used to be.
-Tyhmä saa olla mutta ei ballistamies.
-On a scale from dull to scintillating, you're positively tedious.
-...passed the controversial "Fuck it" initiative.
-It's practically a cliche.
-Hessu onko sulla aivokasvain.
-I'm sure you'd desert your post and hare off to save ANY amazon.
Ain't deserting, sir. Got permission.
-I have to get to the bottom of this hole-
Nothing simpler!
And live.
Ah, tricky!
-Will you shoot or will you let me in?
I'll shoot you in.
-Vitun alabama.
-...aand it's not working.
Plan B.
Do you have a plan B?
Absolutely not.
-Terror-it's hilarious.
-Was that a joke?
An insult, I think.
-Truth, like surgery, hurts, but cures.
-You're a detective now, son. You're not allowed to believe in coincidence.
-...Believe me, it's plenty fucking bad.
-Here I am as I will myself to be.

lauantai 22. joulukuuta 2012

About rivalry (sibling-or otherwise)

Today we played boardgames("we" consisting of me, my brother and a bunch of our friends). Games tend to create rivalry, especially so if they involve "politics"(game elements that consist of scheming behind other's backs, plotting with players, I call politics in games)

 Our gaming pinnacled in the Game of Thrones boardgame. I played Lannister(kinda funny since I have blonde, long hair), and my brother played Greyjoy. Anyone who knows anything about the geography in the 'verse knows that the Pyke(Greyjoys's stronghold) is pretty much next to Lannisport(Lannisters' stronghold), so it was pretty obvious of my brother to try conquer Riverrun(the province just below his), and also for me to keep him from doing it. Needless to say I positioned my troops so, that under any circumistances the bottleneck would hold(which it did). My brother kept coming at me for over half of the game, and I managed to keep him at bay. I didn't win the game, but was pleased with accomplishing the task I silently promised myself to do(keeping Riverrun). My brother's an other case, though. He got very hostile towards the end of the game towards me, to the extent in which he claimed that it was him who succeeded in the task he'd given himself in "trolling" me keeping me busy so that I couldn't win the game, while the way I see it is that I kept him from gaining dominance over the bottleneck he needed to advance lower (why he opted against going north, I don't know). In the end of the game he just tossed his troops at me with no chances to win, even though he could've used those troops to conquer areas up north and strive towards winning the game (I would have strived to keep Riverrun regardless).

 Why some people get riled over things likethis, I don't know. For me, games aren't that serious, not a thing to get mad over. Though I admit that I tend to smile at my victory/superiority, but that's not completely up to me(we were all new to the game and didn't utilize certain assets as well as we could, and I by any means aren't that great strategic mind). But I see nothing wrong to be proud about my own success, even if it's only a game.

Though it's easy to smile as the "winner".