lauantai 23. heinäkuuta 2011

Some people on this planet are meant to die.

Some people still find it surprising how "cruel" and "heartless" I can be.
Of how I can shrug accidents and deaths with a simple "Oh well" or "Had it coming".

It is because humanity needs examples.

There are celebrities. Celebrities who people adore and whose lives people want to live. And replicate.
Awful lot of these celebrities have alcohol and/or drug/etc. problems. These also being things that people want try. Because nothing your beloved celeb does can be wrong, right?

Every time when a celeb dies of alcohol poisoning or overdoses, something inside me screams "Yes!".
That is because people need to see where lives like their can lead into, and what is the likely end for them.
THIS is why I act as I do.

tiistai 19. heinäkuuta 2011

Finncon-Animecon 2011

What to say of it... Propably the third best weekend of my life. Met alot of friends, old and new, had fun, and sweat'd like a whore in a church.

 There were a couple of let-downs during hte weekend also, but msot of them are highly personal matters which I intend to keep to myself.

I didn't record vlogs this time, since my vlogs didn't get that much attention, but when I get some privacy, I'll do a picture collaque to which I intend to ramble over about the weekend. So look into that later.

sunnuntai 3. heinäkuuta 2011

Valve, you slimy sonofabitch...

Guess who downloaded Team Fortress 2 from Steam(as it is f2p nowadays).
Guess who is completely hooked.

(It's a fucking great game)