sunnuntai 27. tammikuuta 2013

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I'll just blurt it out right here; I can't speak bad of this movie. This is the exact kind of an adventure/action movie I like. Myth&fact mixed in _JUST_ the exact amount. I have warned you, it's going to be a positive ride.

 Now, to properely start, I was anticipating this movie for a long time, and then it passed me before I even realized. For a long time, I completely forgot about it's existence, until a fateful RPG session via Skype, and the ~10 minutes of greetings in the beginning. Fast forward two weeks, and it's watched and loved.

 I'll begin by telling some crazy shit about Abramah Lincoln right here (the real person, but spoilers will follow in an case). Among other things, the Axe-gun is real. Yep. It's a thing. It currently resides in the US presidential archives, with, among others, a hardwood stake with a silver tip, and long correspondency of battle tactics and techniques with Henry Sturges. Also, the historical Abe was known to be an expert with his axe, capable of downing timber faster than anyone else (it was said that he worked as if there were three men working in his stead). So, if you consider is acrobatics unrealistic, you'd be wrong.

 I could end this here and just say that it was awesome. go buy and/or download it, but I guess my pride forces me to tell why it was awesome.

1. Because Abraham Lincoln.
Seriously, reason enough, the man was so damn cool. But, I think he was perfectly cast, perfectly acted, Benjamin Walker really nails the unique speaking Lincoln has said to have had. And looks.

This movie had so many things right where it could have gone wrong, that I don't feel like listing the wrongs (Even though this movie bases itself on the fact that Abe's life was rather shady at some parts). Only thing that I feel like pointing out is that there weren't enough references about how tall he was. Fair enough, it was referred to, even in somewhat comical/sweet manner, but IRL, Lincoln was a frigging giant(6,4').

3. Because vampires are always cool.
(For the record, there's no vampires in Twilight for me, just (gay) emo kids. With mental problems.)
Lately, vampires have been having a renaissance, mostly for the bad, but thank gods, popular culture is recovering. We need to see more of this.

4. They got the looks right
I found nothing to complain about how this movie portrayed the early-mid 1800's. The overall composition of places, which buildings were there and which weren't, clothing, equipment, architecture, all right. For once. Yay.

5. Nice-looking CG.
For most part, it was indistinquishable. At least I didn't pay attention to it, save from in the horse chase scene, where it was admittably a little too much. But the battle scenes, vampires turning invisible and back visible again, looking sweet.

In short, this movie avoided so many mistakes that movies like this usually have,that I just can't not like it. I I would have to compare it to a similar movie, it would be Van Helsing. except with more historical accuracy, which is always good.

Hear me? Go watch it! Do it! Away ith you already!

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