sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2013

It's been a while (Part "I-don't-even-remember-when-I-made-my-last-post")

...And the excuse is not the usual "There's nothing that has happened in my life worth noting". Which is surprising, knowing me.

The past six months have been somewhat of a rollercoaster, considering how boring I usually make my life appear. Since I can't figure a place to start, beginning seems like the logical choice. Since I can't remember the beginning, I'll pick up where my memory left itself.

In the long lost past this blog filled itself mostly with angsty posts about how life sucks and whatnot, but I've been happier than I usually am this year. I've been travelling a lot, I have spent approximately eight days in trains or cars, of which 27 hours waiting at train stations. The number seems big, but considering that just about on every trip back home I've had to wait two hours for a train change. I am still not entirely sure do I love or hate train travelling, but at least I have learned to sleep in trains*.

 In April, my body from below my waist broke into a bank:

You can see the edge of the hole I made in the foreground where the snow is disturbed.

I was shoveling snow down from the roof of a local bank and nobody had it in their mind to inform the guy shoveling the snow from the roof that there was a balcony skylight. Naturally covered by snow so I had no idea what hit me when gravity decided to remind about it's existence. If anything good came out of the ordeal, I took some cool photos from the roof:

In May I graduated from artschool. My diploma piece was pretty handy:

I got full points for it!

Somewhere in there (precisely 12.-18.) I was watching a bunch of sixthgraders on their fieldtrip and on the way we stopped at a non-distinctive gas station in mid-Finland where I met Rime, whom I met in February. I'd been trying for a few months at that point to convince her that I was worth dating, to no avail. Here was a girl who happened to be a geek, con-dweller, an IB-student and my age. She also has a wicked sense of humour and happened to be damn good-looking. Clearly mine was a lost cause.

 The fieldtrip turned up being a very rewarding trip. Going there I was a single guy without a care in the world. On the way home I was officially a guy with a girlfriend. She's hot too, so I win:

You're allowed to be jealous.

Then came summer, and I propped my window open with a katana:

 By mid-July I had visited her a couple times in Jyväskylä. I'd never really been to Jyväskylä before, but by now I'm beginning to like the place.

I have been working for all of summer. All in this case meas short of the cumulative two weeks that I spent in cons or otherwise away from home, but that was spreadt all across the summer. All also contains weekends because mine was literally a shit job. Luckily for me, shit jobs and shitty hours pay relatively well even for a student or a summer worker, and I was able to make it to some cons I have been wanting to go to for a figurative eternity. Unfortunately I hemorrhage cash pretty fast, so almost all the money I made was spent during the summer, but I call it worth it.

At this point** the ice cubes in my drink had melted so I got more.

 I've been removed from my natural habitat(the workshop) for nearly three months now, and that takes it's toll. I have approx. a googoplex of ideas and things I want to make, but haven't been able to. The unwillingly freed time was utilized mostly by catering an another expensive hobby, video games. Late July I invested in a PS3 and haven't regretted, for I got it really cheap(120€!). The PS3 yielded the required presets to find out whether video games and cuddling work as well together as I had given the impression of. Turns out they do.

In August I started the fourth (or the "½" in "3½") year in upper secondary, and unlike I hoped, it didn't change anything much (if not taking care of the extra time I had prior used for sleeping). Ever since I've mostly been sitting here in front of my computer because I have so little school, yet am still a student and hence can't work full days without losing all monetary support I get as one. Luckily I'm off south again soon, otherwise I'd probably lose my mind even further.

*Even if for precisely 72 minutes at a time.
**Of writing, not the summer.

1 kommentti:

  1. "In April, my body from below my waist broke into a bank:" I had to read that a couple of times. At first I was like "Wait... his body BROKE FROM THE WAIST DOWN WHAT THE HELL IS HE UP TO?!" until I managed to actually finish the sentence. And trains with no internet connection are a pain in the arse.

    And now I cannot decide if I'm mad about not being informed about this lady (but I get your way of thinking) or to be happy for ya! Maybe I'll be both~ But more happy than mad, gratz man, and the lady as well :3 Tell her she is rather hot-AHEM. I've lost the point again haven't I?

    And that katana abuse ; w ; What had that poor sword ever done to you ; w ; And oh damn I rambled but it's freaking four-NO WAIT it's five am so I am alloved. Ya.
