maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2011


...of hours being awake. Well, minus the occasional minute or two that i dozed before a security guard stabbed me back to conscience.

That said, Tracon VI is gone by. And have to say, propably the best con this season. I has lots and lots of fun and met old friends and made almsot ridiculous amount of new ones. The few lectures I attended were intereting, although the tire got the best of me once in a while, and missed portions.
 As usual I didn't go to see the cosplay competition, since the photos will be in the internets anyways. I took surprisingly small amount of photos (only 109; gasp!), as I usually take around 300-500pics/con.
 LARPING IS FUN! Something I had forgotten, unfortunately. But yeah, the larp was fun, met lots of nice people there =D

People I'd like to thank for this weekend:
-Jani: Thanks again for being a great, great friend! Hanging around  with you makes anything fun =)
-Aaro: As above, so below! Thanks for organizing people to take care of my&other con-goers' stuff =) Don't play too much Witcher, although a good game it is, leave time for your gf too, she's a great person.
-Juha&Linda: For company on train trips, for being good friends and for convincing me to buy the Firefly DVD box!
-Janne: For ABSURDLY AWESOME lectures and tolerating my stupidity =)
-Chris: First time in a long while I argued properely with someone, thank you truly for that. Also thanks for triggering self-searching in me, I needed that.
-All the people whose names I can't remember, people who let me take a picture of them, whom I chatted with, and the people organizing the larp.

Greatest thanks goes to Pinja for listening to me and cheering me up when I was tired and down, you saved my weekend=)

1 kommentti:

  1. It's good to hear you've had a nice weekend :) I was kinda worried before summer, 'cause you seemed to be a bit down.
