maanantai 12. joulukuuta 2011

I feel like all my fandoms are being stolen from me.

That's right.

I've been thinking for a long time what to write about, and finally I have a viable subject.

 There's this one certain guy(and a couple others, too) that like same games and movies that I do. These guys could be good friends to me, except if the weren't COMPLETE ASSHOLES.
 The one certain guy I spoke of, for example, is the most egocentric, narcistic asshole I've ever met. Really.
I used to be in OK relationships with him-don't know how- until once a common friend of ours suffered a traumatic experience, and he laughed about it, with passion. And promoted how cool guy he was because it didn't happen to him, immediately after it. Now if that doesn't scream mental disorder, what does?

This guy gives me a headache every, single, fucking, time I see him. And unfortunately that is pretty often.

And how much would I give to kill him, preferably semi-fast. Don't want to get myself dirty, and want to get rid of him as soon as possible.

 Now that I have claimed to hate him, I'll get on with it.

I share fandoms with him. For example, Metal Gear Solid and Elder Scrolls. Now that Skyrim is out, I hear him tlaking about it constantly. And whenever I see someone play Skyrim or talk about Skyrim, My mind makes a connection to him. The same with MGS. For very obvious reasons this is pissing me off.

 I know some(most) of those who'll read this will consider this(and thus, me) nitpicky and vainglorious, I don't give a shit. For me particularly this is a very big and annopying deal.

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