perjantai 1. huhtikuuta 2011


It is very fascinating
That how little and puny such thing as life is
Life is fragile. Easy to break. One single bullet, 300-gram slug of lead and copper, one swift move of a blade
We break easily. Human body, and mind aswell. Especially the mind.
Yet so powerful, capable to rule, to command,
To love
Then I am forced to wonder, What love really is?
Respect? Care?
Once I think I knew what love is. But I am no longer sure, can't remember.
All I remember is that it was wonderful. Something worth living for. Something worth dying for.
Something I sacrificed everything for and never asked anything back.
Heh, and guess what? I didn't get anything back.
Nothing but memories, memories which I'd better forget.
Dreams that I can never achieve again.
Dreams that I am not sure do I want to achieve again...

Yes, I fear. But even more than I fear, I know in my heart, that I am alone.

This is good, isn't it?

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