lauantai 11. helmikuuta 2012

We march for Macragge!

So I watched the recent Warhammer 40.000 movie 'Ultramarines'. It is, again, one of the se movies that I could and truly want to like, but again, am disappointed by on at least few levels. Make no mistake,I enjoyed the heck out of it, and can actually recommed it to fans of the games. Granted that it might be tainted by the Warp a bit, but then again, I'm no chaplain.

 I'll start by listing the few things that sticked out like a sore thumb, as I usuallly do. It makes teh good parts seem even better. Firstly: A team of twelve(I think, I didn't count them) Ultramarines sent on a rescue missio, seems legit so far, Space Marines are afterall kick-ass. They discover roughly 100(SPOILER: at least 98) slain Marines of the Imperial Fists. Marines. Slain. A hundred. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. There. No well-taught marine can possibly make such a miscalculation of teh odds: it's completely common that when a single Space Marine battlebarge enters a system taht the planets one by one surrender(for the record: single battlebarge carries approx. 1-3 teams of marines, that's 5-20 per team. Do the math.), so it seems somewhat unwise to engage an enemy strong enough to wipe out a battalion of Marines.
 Second:(HUGE SPOILER) The demon. The very presence of the demon. Ordo Malleus' article regarding dealing with demons says that the demon may be engaged in combat when teh demon is smaller than a goat. Otherwise, straight out exterminatus, with no remorse(exceptations may occur if concerning a significant Hive/Forge world or Terra). The demon was at least the size of a full-grown elephant. An then they beat it up with an exceptionally kick-ass hammer. Yay for the xp for non-combat veteran troops, makes me wonder what are they doing outside of the Grey Knights.
 Third(this is just something that bugged me) bolter rate of fire. Everyone seems to fire only semi-auto or three round bursts, even the heavy bolter. And on the same note I could say that Marines don't fall from a single bolter round. From a single well-placed heavy bolter, or if they were using specialized rounds they could, but they were Chaos Marines, so that can be pretty much ruled out.

Ok, then the stuff that I liked. Firstly, the music. O boy, I loved the music. Although clearly a small-budget movie, the solid soundtrack saves a lot. Voice acting was ok, not the best possible, but passable. Fight choreography was also good, they looked dynamic(although there were exceptations).
The Space Marine lore was brought out in acceptable amounts, although I would have loved to see/hear more of it. Some things were good to be left out though; properely explaining them would have at least doubled the lenght of the movie.

Bottomline: If you like Warhammer 40k, you'll like, at least enjoy the Ultramarines. I can't say with a straight face that it'd be good, buut if you don't know much of the backstory, or can supress it, it will be an impressive and inspiring experience. I would suggest this, but not to thh die-hard fans.

We march for Macragge!

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