lauantai 2. kesäkuuta 2012

I am not a party person.

As many of you know, today was the graduation day for many of us. Unfortunately that means they are going to throw parties and invite their close ones to celebrate. Most of us think that parties are nice. I don't. Mostly because I'm not that good a people person, but also I am just terrible at small talk, because most if not all of my interests are either disgusting or socially unaccepted. So I mostly just sit idly at parties, doing nothing, and maybe, MAYBE talk about something with someone who might have similar interests with me, and even that mostly ends in someone telling me that I did something wron or said something wrong or I was insultive or somesuch. All in all, most parties just leave me depressed and/or angry. Worst though is if I am having a party(that is, someone forces me to have a party). I hate being the center of things most of the time. Especially when I don't want to or I am forced to. Although human is, by it's nature, a pack animal, at heart I prefer being on my own, or in a small group.
  That said, this time of the year is somewhat painful for a person like me.

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