torstai 16. kesäkuuta 2011

Yes, I might be losing my mind, who knows?

Sometimes I really wish I was born a girl. No, not because males are idiots, although that too, but because most (86,4%) of my friends are female. I can't be an equal part of the grup with them, I can't speak with them like they speak with eachother, not because I wouldn't understand them, far from it, it's because I am male. I can't hang out together with them like girls hang out together, because people instantly think that we would be dating or that I am dating someone of the group. This really pisses me off, and sometimes I truly do think of walking out of that group just because I know that if I did, both parties would fare better, and the discrimination and gossiping would end.

I hate you, modern world. I hate gender discrimination, I hate th norms between genders and I hate norms in male-female friendships. I hate people who make conclusions without any ase to their thoughts and I HATE THE FACT THAT I CAN NEVER BE CONSIDERED AN EQUAL PART OF THE GROUP.

1 kommentti:

  1. Why should you care about their opinions? I mean, sometimes people mistake my oldest brother for a boyfriend when we walk together, but that just proves that they're a bunch of idiots with nothing else to do with their lives but gossip. You should just relax and hang out with the people you want :)
