perjantai 21. tammikuuta 2011

Do I look like a masochist? Don't answer that.

This was a very exchausting day. Firstly it was school from 0800-1500, then I stayed at school with Valtteri, Juho and sis(For no reasonable reason, of that matter). After that, we ventured to my place, wok'd food and were generally geeky. Then we went to Valtteri's place with original idea of just going to get the car and get my sis home, buut we got kinda delayed.
 After a while we finally got ourselves moving and sis got home, by this point it was about 2100. Then I and Valtteri went to Valtteri's place, because I hadn't seen the Dragonlance animation film. While it loaded, I watched an episode of The Big Bang theory and two episodes of House.
 By then, the Dragonlance had loaded and we watched it. I hope I wouldn't have done that. It. Was. Bad. Really bad. Only the fact that Kiether Sutherland(Jack Bauer, for you not civilized) was the voice of Raistlin got me giggling. And I can just wonder the hours the animators spent on animating the female character's tits bobbling up and down.

Then I got home.

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