torstai 13. tammikuuta 2011

Mental forecast: snarky bitchnig, self pity and a little thunder.

Mom made me angry to day. Like, really angry. I threw a joke in the air and she started bitching with me aobut it, and spoke of a thing I definitely didn't want to hear, and wouldn't just shut up- even though I told her to for at least eight times.

 Otherwise everything has been pretty cool, school's ok(I still haven't understood even a half of the things went through in maths, but I'm getting to it), except I have Frigging long days. Monday I have 0800-1700, Tue 0900-1500+ artschool (3½h), and wednesday is  from 0900 to 1700. SO I have two evenings in the week not counting weekends to actually do something. It's kinda shitty, but hey, the four-code terms on the third year sound really cool =)

 Went to raid fleamarkets with Van today. Unfortunately I only got time to check the first one. Gotta go check the other tomorrow or next week. Bought myself a shoulder holster, not like I'll do anything with it, but hey, it was cheap. And I like collecting stuff, I love STUFF!

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