perjantai 7. tammikuuta 2011

Well look at that, I have almost fixed my sleep rythm.

Holidays end soon, only a weekend left. Can't tell if it's a bad thing, I wouldn't want to get back to studying right now, but in school I'd have at least some social activity, and I'll have less time to think about things, which might help with my sanity a little right now.
 Hopefully we'll start playing HeroQuest weekly again, it's at least somewhat fun, depending on people's moods. Oh, and artschool's spring term begins also. Awesome.
 In calendar there is Kitacon, Rovaniemi's comic day and Bakacon before summer. Needless to say, all planned costumes are technically not even started yet.
 Now that I started watching out of the window, silent friday morning...
Quiet, calm, peaceful.....Isn't it hateful?

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