lauantai 26. helmikuuta 2011

Atlas is dead.

The thing you all have to understand is this: Atlas you knew is dead. The world killed him, asked him to make one sacrifice too many, cross one line too far.  His love killed him. Asked him to withstand betrayal, time, distance, and then she ran off. She was the only thing that humanized him. And his friends killed him. Pushed him, told that he was living a lie and to forget about her. That love died that night....And so did Atlas. So he left. Left her, left his friends, left love and hope for it, left it all behind. Cut off the world and went walkabout looking for a reason to live.

Eventually he'll find it. But when he does, no-one can stop him-I sure as hell can't.

torstai 17. helmikuuta 2011


I didn't believe that mental things could effect physically on people earlier, I though of it as just some "New age mumbo-jumbo". Damn how wrong I was.

Well, I'll explain at first: I am VERY ressitant towards bacteria and viral diseases. I can eat pretty contaminated food without any effect on me, while other people are racing about which can puke the most in a minute.(And when the swine flu was a big thing, my whole family was infected, but not I. Hell, my system negated the effect of the shot given to counter it) And, when I am sick then, I'm not sick for long, like, six hours, tops.

Well, last night I lost technically everything I ever had, so needless to say that I am quite shocked(Oh, and don't come telling me that I have changed, it won't help). Then, as I woke up in the morning, I had fever, sore throat, headache and clogged nose. I took meds for them, no effect. I slept for six hours after school, no effect, still sick. Seems like my whole resistance system against bacteria and viruses went out of commision.

Oh, and other thing. Penkkarit. Or specifically people celebrating graduating.
Yeah, and the general "We are so much better than you, worship and we'll give you candy after we have made you look like a complete clowns" thing. Doesn't cut my cake(did I just invent something new?)

So, in general, I have lost my extraordinary skill of not getting sick, I have been insulted and fucked with the whole day, and to top it, my ENTIRE life-planning was just swept off it's basin.

As I no longer have any psychic or physic stoppers of making everyone else's life as miserable as possible, you'd better be fucking prepared. Because I have been set free.

If I can't give, I'll take.
Accept the truth, be fueled by my hate.
At least I know it's always there for me.

keskiviikko 16. helmikuuta 2011

If I can't give, I'll take.
Accept it, it's the truth.
Be fueled by my hate.

At least I know that it's always there for me.

maanantai 7. helmikuuta 2011

Ok, now which one of us is the immature one now?!?

At a forum I am a member of (won't tell the name) I have been blamed for being myself.
Most of the complaints come from being subtle. Writing short. Many other people on the forum do it too but I am the only one who gets complained about it.
Another thing is that I am getting blamed for being symbolic, mystic, and sarcastic with my sayings.
NOW SINCE WHEN HAS THAT BEEN ILLEGAL ANYWHERE? Seems like the mod is on a personal crusede against me. Not my fault if she's not smart enough to understand what I say, hell, I haven't even directed but one saying agaisnt her, and even that was as clear as day.
 Fuck your forum, I shall quit posting from now on.

Get a hold of it, goddamnit.

sunnuntai 6. helmikuuta 2011


For once again I wonder have I lost my reason to live forever.
It definitely seems so. If I am capable of gaining back what I lost, I'd be the first one for her who'd do so.
I feel lost. Coverless.

Oh, and just a notifier,
It's Him who you want to stop, not me. He's the angry one of us, and I have told it to you mire than once.
He exists, you should know it.

It was you who set him loose. I can't keep him chained by myself.

torstai 3. helmikuuta 2011


a long time ago
You said that I am whoever I want to be.
I want to be your boyfriend.
I want to be allowed to love you.
I want your happiness.

I lost my chance, didn't I?

keskiviikko 2. helmikuuta 2011

Ah shit.

I don't care. Nobody cares. Why should anyone care!
I do not give a damn about what will happen if I behave like I behave!
If I want to be a nitpick then I'll be! Maybe I don't want any friends! Ever though that?
When I went completely heartless, I stopped talking to anyone. Noticed that?
I want the truth. And I'd like to have it full.