perjantai 11. maaliskuuta 2011

Friday rolls over

Again, I spent the whole day at the computer (Do I do this too much?), doing the exact same things over and over. So, I watched Nostalgia Criticfor about 25 vids more.
 Joonas also dropped by and borrowed the PSP again, only that he forgot to put the Peace Walker back on to the memory card(He'll bring it tomorrow, and I'll have Portable ops+ too. MGS fanboyness, yay!

 Other than that, tomorrow I might want to look into homework abit, so that I wouldn't forget that I go to highschool. I have about three portfolio assignments to do, homework from at least three courses and at least two short stories to write. Why did I pack all of this to the last weekend? (Again)

Oh well, I guess I am off to bed soon.

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