sunnuntai 6. maaliskuuta 2011

Now I officially need to die.


I watched Twilight.
AND MAN IT SUCKED. Just about the worst movie I have ever seen. On par with all of Uwe Boll's productions I have seen(And I have seen Alone in the Dark, mind you) 
I lost count around seven when I counted the reasons why Bella should go see someone of medical profession. The girl clearly has problems. And his father does what? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing! Gives her a pepper spray and later quite clearly tells her to go out to town in the night.

 The whole "Twilight saga" (Twilight was just the name of the first book, not of the series you idiots, you even fucked that up) completely wrecked the traditional vampire thing. Also, it was completely full of mistakes (And I mean it was full of them, not just continuity mistakes, but mistakes with their own vampire thing ,especially the sparkly thing). From those I was capable to keep a count, and am going to list them here to annoy you. From here follows spoilers(Like anyone cares) and utter stupidity. You have been warned. Run while you can.

-In the scene where Bella and Edward arrive to school together, as they are walking through the crowd you can see the sunshine on Edwards left cheek but no glittery effect is being shown at all.

-In the scene where Bella is talking to Edward just after she comes out of the doctor's office (when Edward, Carlisle and Rosalie are talking), you can very faintly see the rims of her contact lenses

-When Bella and Edward talk in the woods, Bella drops her backpack in front of a tree. In a subsequent shot, the backpack has disappeared.

- In the baseball scene, Rosalie slides into home and her pants are dirty. The next time she's up to bat, her pants are clean.

-When Bella is researching on the computer, she finds a page that spells the word "Apotamkin" (correctly), but when she opens the page, it now spells the word as Apotampkin.

-When Bella is at the salad bar in the lunchroom, she knocks over the apple and Edward catches it. In the next shot, neither Edward nor Bella have it.

-When Edward jumps out of the window, he drags a tree with him, but he isn't very close to it. Also when Edward jumps, he stays level to the ground. Just because he is a vampire it never means that he can disobey the laws of gravity.(At least was never explained)

-When Edward stops the truck from crushing Bella, it is clear that the side of the truck is crushed before it actually reaches them.

- In the hospital scene when Edward tells Bella she should go to Jacksonville you hear the heart monitor in the background and although Bella is visibly upset the heartbeat continues at the same rate.

- In the first biology lesson, Bella walks past the fan, and Edward's papers fly up. If the fan was in his direction anyway, his papers would have been flying up before Bella arrived.(Also while in front of the fan, her hair was messed up. Although as she sat, her hair was completely fine)

- there is a point where James rams Edward's head into the mirrors, shattering the surface. However, Edward's reflection on the shattered surface remains intact, instead of being a fractured reflection, as would have been the case when a mirror shatters.

-In the scene Edward comes into Bella's room and kisses her, Bella is at first wearing sweatpants. Then she is wearing shorts instead when they kiss.

-In the ballet studio fight scene, Bella grasps an injured right leg with her left hand. When Bella is in the hospital, the cast is obviously on the left leg which is under the blanket-the silhouette of the leg is straight and much larger than the right leg, which is thinner, flexed and has skin exposed at an area which would have been covered had it been in a bandage or cast. But when she and Edward go to prom, the injured leg is again the right leg, which is in a cast.

These are just the few I was capable to pick up. The glitter thing annoyed me the most, Because it was their own invention, and even then they didn't get it right. And, exactly what did Bella see in Edward? All the time he was just an annoying prick to her! Mentally healthy people do not work that way!  AAAAARG! DIE STEPHANIE MEYERS, DIE!

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