maanantai 23. huhtikuuta 2012

Always forward...never left or right.

Today was an another one of those days. Days when I wander in thought, reminiscent my past, think of different scenarios, how things could have ended, how thing should have ended.
It ends in grief. It always does.
 I'm at an intersection right now. A three-forked road. One has a certain goal, but the road is rough, one has good odds, but high stakes, and the last one is a shot in the dark, a dance on a misty minefield.
I have gambled alot with my life, and lost enough. Though still the chance of winning and claiming all from the table intrigues me. Clarity would be a good change to my life of lies and betrayal, but then again, a leap into the unknown might just be the thing I need. Too bad faith and I aren't at exactly good terms.
In other words, I have no clue what to do. And I can't keep hoping forever that things become clearer or some options remove themselves from the equation(some of them might be the right path afterall. If there is such a thing, that is of course)

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