maanantai 16. huhtikuuta 2012

I'm never getting rid of these =D

No, really, thanks. I was bored^^

1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create eleven questions for the people you tag to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs
6. You legitimately have to tag
*sigh* eleven facts of boringness, coming right away.

1. In case somene didn't already know, I LOVE MTN DEW.
2. I have too much time to think about things.
3. I have apretty good hand at a multitude of different media
4. Metal Gear& The Witcher are my favourite game serieses
5. I'm a daydreamer. Sometimes goes well with the excess of time.
6. I write poetry.
7. I LOVE steam&dieselpunk. Because PRETTYYYYYY~
8. I like to venture to places most people wouldn't.
9. I have great interest in conspiracy theories and generally underground activity in everyday life
10. I could be called a self-learned expert on military weapons&equipment
11. I'm one of those geek-otaku hybrid. As some people say, an akiba.

Chikatsuno's questions:

1. Cookie or cupcake? Why?
Cupcakes. Cupcakes aren't neccessarily dry

2. Tradional or Digital art?
Traditional. Because I suck at digital =D
3. What is your music taste like?
Beaugh, variable. If I like something, I like it. I don't generally pick music by genre or anything.

4. Would you rather have money or happiness? And why?
Depends on the quantity. If I could have 10€ or happiness, I'll take happiness.
Though if we are talking of loadsa monee!(DoSH!), I'd take the cash. And run.
(Why? Because I can have happiness whenever I want. So can you, whoever you might be)

5. What type of literature do you like?
Fantasy, horror, "mature" literature, not as in porn, but as in realistic and concerning subjects liek politics, war, etc.
6. Your favorite color and what it represents?
Crimson red. commonly associated with subjects like fire, love, energy, strenght, power, determination, passion and desire. For me, it's a beautiful color.
7. What country's culture do you like? Anything specifically?
Australia. Relaxed, down to earth lifestyle, coupled with a beautiful country.
Climate could be less bright though.

8. Do you play any instrument?
Guitar sometimes. Not playing actively, just once in a while.

9. Is there something you hate? And what is it?
STUPIDITY. Most people have been issued with a perfectly good brain within birth, and it's supposed to be used.

10. What is your favorite food?
Hm, tough one. Gotta say sautéed elk. It's one of the few "real" foods that I genuinely like.
(disclaimer: in this context, 'genuinely' means that I can eat almost anything, and call it good, with only a few foods that I LIKE.)
11. Your favorite quote?
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"

My questions:

1. If you were a vehicle, what kind of a vehicle would you be?
2. What is the ONE item, that will always grant you victory?
3. Favourite movie/TV series? Why?
4. Favourite tree?
5. Job you'd NEVER do?
6. If you could have all the money (DoSH!) you would need to buy ONE thing, what would it be?
7. Favourite shape? (running low here)
8. If you'd have to belong to a criminal/underground syndicate, which'd it be?
9. If you could change one thing from the world's history, what would it be? Why?
10. Describe your wallpaper in three words (It's not aquestion, but it COULD be a question)
11. favourite apparell?

Pretty much favourites.
If you feel like it, consider yourself tagged. Not tagging anyone because of late.

Have a good one.

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