maanantai 31. joulukuuta 2012

2012 in quotes.

Quotes I've collected along the past year.

-You can still retaliate by bombng until it's an abstract glasswork glowing in the dark
-"What's going on in there?
I'm drinking progressively more rum"
-"...And what the HELL is Nathan Fillion doing in this movie?!"
-Maybe you can't count but there's four of us.
So go get more and it'll be an even fight.
-I'm sorry, I only speak in movie trailer quotes.
-Paras ratkaisu tähän tilanteeseen on fyysisen väkivallan käyttö.
-Pelkään vain että provosoiva persoonani sytyttäisi maailman tuleen, mutta koetan hillitä itseni.
-The barracks are fairly comfortable , and there's wireless internet available. Just don't harass the roaches. THey live here, we're guests, and they outnumber us all.
-If toiletpaper was made of nails, there'd be a lot more assholes.
-In the future, if you need any support at all, please don't hesitate to look elsewhere.
-Really, we're building a lane while we fly it.
-We're trying to sort out a common definition of problem. So far we've only managed to agree that there is a problem.
-I'll be go to hell..
-Real greatness is what yu do with the hand you've been dealt.
-For all they take, a sword shall perish by the sword.
-So what do you believe in? I believe in ammunition.
-That's ugly enough t remember.
-Want me to gag him?
Why, am I starting to make sense?
-I am the hammer, the right hand of The Emperor, the instrument of his will, the gauntlet about his fist, the tip of his spear, The edge of his sword.
-Spirit of noxious Immateria, begone from hence! For The Emperor of manking, manifold be his blessings, watches over me, so that I shall not fear the Shadow of the Warp.
-War is not about glory, War is about victory!
-Whilt we stand, we fight. And whilst we fight, we will prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath.
-Cuz I'm off at 8 and hammered by 0805.
-How are the drinks here?
Great, if you like rat piss.
Never tried it.
-It's the FBI, they're dumb, not deaf.
-You already brok y heart, is it neccessary to shoot it too?
-A wise man always greets strangers with respect, for he might be looking into the eye of an enemy.
-When in doubt, advance.
-It's painless
It's pointless.
-I'm sure that's one of god's tricks. But getting out of places no-one else can, that's one of mine.
-If you're here to test my loyalty, you've only managed to test my patience.
-The toughest assignment is always the next one.
-Is there a name for what's wrong wth you?
Yeah, the script.
-Niin kovin helpostin ihminen kadottaa elämältään tarkoituksen.
-El cadalso.
-Terrain is said to be moderately contoured with moisture, which I think is Tactical's way of saying precipices with waterfalls.
-I thought you were dead.
I get that a lot.
-I'm not the mechanic, I mostly just hurt people!
-It's like trying to talk to a brick wall that also hates you.
-Some call it faith, I call it hopeful ignorance.
-Power is simply ower, it's neither good or bad, it just is.
-Nothing worth knowing can be taught.
-Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do!
-Minua ei tarvi lepytellä, minä olen kevyesti humalassa.
-You don't have to understand the dark. That's the thing about it; it doesn't need to be understood. It's just the dark. It's what it is.
-It's better to be a part of the few than a part of the most.
-Neutrality doesn't mean nonchalancy and heartlessness. Emotions shouldn't be killed. It's enough if you kill the hatred in yourself.
-Well, I'm lost, I'm angry, and armed. So you mind telling me what' going on?
-a man's reach should exceed his grasp.
-Dotrine is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
-If the corps wanted you to have a wife, they'd issued you one.
-I carry a gun because a police officer is too heavy.
-Watch your back, conserve your ammo, and don't deal with dragons.
-Ihmisen ei ole hyvä olla yksin. Mutta parempi.
-Paha saa enemmän palkkaa.
-Was nich ist, kann noch werden.
-A vow of obediency is not the same as a vow of stupidity.
-Faith means nothing if it's nonexistent.
-When you have sympathy for your enemies, you have the wrong kind of friends.
-I made a book out of your friends, and you didn't listen. I'll return when I have made a library.
-Mitä väliä on millä se matti 50v ampuu jos joku desantti eksyy kurikan vesilaitokselle
-I'm not a sword, I only hold the sword. There's a big difference.
-Ei se oo suklaata jos kysytään verottajalta.
-Every problem on earth can be solved with a precise application of high explosives.
-You seem to have a habit of missing the point.
-We've found the enemy and it's us.
-That's a short conversation. I think it might be over already.
-Seuraavaksi tapahtuu seuraavaa seuraavassa järjestyksessä seuraavalla tavalla.
-Ei kannata uskoa mitä varusmiehet teille kertoo. 90% mitä varusmiehet puhuu on täyttä paskaa. Eli jos joku sanoo sata sanaa, niin voitte heti karsia 90 pois, ja loput onkin sitten vaan vittuja.
-Mitä nopeammin, sitä nopeammin.
-Hetkinen perkele, nyt ei täsmää.
-Kovat jätkät osaa moduloida 56k modeemia pelkällä suulla.
-Mä vaan pyörin sängyssä kuin Darwin haudassaan Christian science museumin avajaisissa.
-Irritant, yes I am. Oh you mean the product.
-This is exactly the kind of problem that can be solved with a baseball bat.
-A slightly tragic medical condition.
-When push comes to shove, you have to do what you love, even if it's not a good idea.
-Reality's not what it used to be.
-Tyhmä saa olla mutta ei ballistamies.
-On a scale from dull to scintillating, you're positively tedious.
-...passed the controversial "Fuck it" initiative.
-It's practically a cliche.
-Hessu onko sulla aivokasvain.
-I'm sure you'd desert your post and hare off to save ANY amazon.
Ain't deserting, sir. Got permission.
-I have to get to the bottom of this hole-
Nothing simpler!
And live.
Ah, tricky!
-Will you shoot or will you let me in?
I'll shoot you in.
-Vitun alabama.
-...aand it's not working.
Plan B.
Do you have a plan B?
Absolutely not.
-Terror-it's hilarious.
-Was that a joke?
An insult, I think.
-Truth, like surgery, hurts, but cures.
-You're a detective now, son. You're not allowed to believe in coincidence.
-...Believe me, it's plenty fucking bad.
-Here I am as I will myself to be.

lauantai 22. joulukuuta 2012

About rivalry (sibling-or otherwise)

Today we played boardgames("we" consisting of me, my brother and a bunch of our friends). Games tend to create rivalry, especially so if they involve "politics"(game elements that consist of scheming behind other's backs, plotting with players, I call politics in games)

 Our gaming pinnacled in the Game of Thrones boardgame. I played Lannister(kinda funny since I have blonde, long hair), and my brother played Greyjoy. Anyone who knows anything about the geography in the 'verse knows that the Pyke(Greyjoys's stronghold) is pretty much next to Lannisport(Lannisters' stronghold), so it was pretty obvious of my brother to try conquer Riverrun(the province just below his), and also for me to keep him from doing it. Needless to say I positioned my troops so, that under any circumistances the bottleneck would hold(which it did). My brother kept coming at me for over half of the game, and I managed to keep him at bay. I didn't win the game, but was pleased with accomplishing the task I silently promised myself to do(keeping Riverrun). My brother's an other case, though. He got very hostile towards the end of the game towards me, to the extent in which he claimed that it was him who succeeded in the task he'd given himself in "trolling" me keeping me busy so that I couldn't win the game, while the way I see it is that I kept him from gaining dominance over the bottleneck he needed to advance lower (why he opted against going north, I don't know). In the end of the game he just tossed his troops at me with no chances to win, even though he could've used those troops to conquer areas up north and strive towards winning the game (I would have strived to keep Riverrun regardless).

 Why some people get riled over things likethis, I don't know. For me, games aren't that serious, not a thing to get mad over. Though I admit that I tend to smile at my victory/superiority, but that's not completely up to me(we were all new to the game and didn't utilize certain assets as well as we could, and I by any means aren't that great strategic mind). But I see nothing wrong to be proud about my own success, even if it's only a game.

Though it's easy to smile as the "winner".

lauantai 17. marraskuuta 2012


(yes, it's one lame headline, I know. Disregarding that....)

I watched James Bond: Skyfall tonight. It was awesome. I totally can recommend it. The movie is a complete contradiction to the classic Bond-franchise, yet it still keeps the essentials to make it feel like a Bond movie. The way it makes itself appear feels like a beginning, which it obviously was(a reboot at that), yet, the movie series could have well ended here, and I would have been happy with it.

 The movie is actually more about M than Bond. Or rather, it defines bond with M's character in a way that hasn't been done before in the franchise with any character(sans Bond's parents, who are never really addressed in the series). In the latest editions of the movie(beginning with Goldeneye), M's been a mother-character for Bond, unwillingly or otherwise, never specified(though evidence suggests unwilling-option). We see more of Bond behind the agent, behind the façade we've seen in the previous movie.

 The Craig-Bond has been overall more grim and rough character. I'm guessing it's more or less in fashion nowadays, as opposed by the charming dandy lady-killer we have been accustomed to see. It's working better, at least for me, I find such character easier to relate to.

But I digress.

(spoilers to follow)

The movie fires up with a traditional action scene in Istanbul, where the camera work is great. Just marvelous to look at, dynamic and smooth as fuck. Lighting was also stellar, action well-coordinated, and fun to follow. If I must find something to nitpick about, it'll be, again, the unbelievably long chase sequence, which, on the other hand, illustrates the superhuman ability of Bond as an agent. Bond's after a laptop, or it's hard-drive that contains all the names of MI6 undercover agents on the field. As we've seen from the trailers, Bond gets shot, by an unexpected assailant(I'll return to this later). He then spends the downtime doing the obvious thing everyone'd think to do when they get shot: get wasted and play drinking games that involve scorpions, upping his badassery by at least a 2.

 He's distracted from destroying all his braincells by a piece of news telling that the MI6 HQ, more precisely the M's office, has been blown up. Obviously he returns to work, otherwise we wouldn't have a movie. The new MI6 headquarters are introduced in the London sewers(we're seeing awful lot of these lately in film and TV, not that I complain), where he completely botches the tests that define if he's suitable for fieldwork anymore. Big shocker, he isn't, yet M decides he is and sends him off to catch the fellow who got him shot. )also he digs shrapnel of a depleted uranium round from his shoulder, where he was shot[with a Glock, no less]. Anyone who knows anything about firearms knows that DU-rounds require a long barrel and a powerful round to propel them at speeds where they would be of any use. Although the Glock was cool.)
  Also introduced is the new Q, who is, geeky and kinda uke. I can almost hear the slashfics being written, this ships itself. He gives Bond his tickets to China and a handprint PPK-plot device.

 Bond is off to Hong Kong, where he finds his shooter and drops him off a scyscraper. Conveniently he finds his way through a cash chip to a casino where Komodo dragons are kept as pets(how cool is that!). He cashes it in, finds a Bond-girl-to-be(more on that later), fights some guys, uses the PPK handprint-plotdevice to kill accidentally a guy with a Komodo, and runs away and bangs the girl.

 In the morning, the ship tehy are is indested with a serious case of henchmen, and they approach the Battleship-island(it's obviously Gunkanjima), where Bond is held captive by the bad guy from No Country for Old Men, who here is a gay-ish blonde who hates M.They collaborately shoot the Bond-girl-to-be with flintlocks and Bond kills all the henchmen, calls in the cavalry and captures the villain.

 Like asshats they take him to the MI6 HQ to be questioned, which OF FUCKING COURSE is a part of his plan, and he runs away while Bond and his new geek-bedwarmer try to hack into his laptop, and trigger the bad guy's plans while doing so. Bond chases him, fails to catch him but saves M in the frenzy, then kidnaps her and they are off to Skyfall lodge, Bond's ancestral home. Not before switching their lowsy modern sportscar into an Aston Martin DB5, with all the traditional Bond-gadgets! How cool is that. Bond also threatens to eject M from the car.

 The happy campers reach Skyfall, and arm themselves with a shotgun, Bond's PPK and a fabulous side-by-side hunting rifle, claimed to be Bond's father's old hunting rifle. In an armiong montage they boobytrap the house, find dynamite and kick ass before the bad guys chasing arrive. When they do, the baddie sends his henchmen in to be killed, and then comes with an attack helicopter to assist. Why lead with the henchmen, I don't know. The gunship is also rigged with Apocalypse Now-esque loudspeakers that paly an undefined song. They trigger all boobytraps, use all montage-introduced plot devices, and end with Bond killing the bad guy, and M dying from a wound she got during the fighting. Skyfall lodge is destroyed.

 In a closing scene, the girl from the beginning of the movie gives Bond a pitbull-statue that was on M's table in the movie. The girl is revealed to be Moneypenny, and the new M is a man who was against the earlier M, at least apparently earlier in the film. We are given to understand that the series has rebooted. I do not complain.

(also as a sidenote: I only now realized that I could read the entire plot from the animated opening sequence in any Bond-film, if I only look into the implications and metaphors in the sequence. Fun.)

To wrap up with: Good movie, good Bond-movie, entertaining and worth the ticket. Go watch.

-Bond kicks ass
-Craig-Bond is made more traditional Bond again
-Cool production desing(overall)
-Brilliant camerawork
-Mostly good lighting

-Few unused traditional Bond-elements(gambling, for example).
-Illogical lines for anyone who knows anything about the respective matters at hand
-Near-blinding lights and contrast in the epic showdown sequence.

I'm looking forward to seeing more Bond.

sunnuntai 16. syyskuuta 2012

The little oddities

I like icecream. Just the weird thing is that I don't eat icecream when most people do(in the summer when it's hottest). For some reason, I like eating icecream in the autumn, when evenings are getting dark and it's cooler. If it's dark, it's a plus.

 Now that I'm here writing, I might as well go through last weekend&Tracon.

On friday evening at approximately 2050 I boarded the train that would take me&other folks from around here to Tampere. The rip was pretty cozy, I was accompanied by a plethora of people from my upper secondary's art line(year younger than me's). The jolly surprise was that Ansku, a friend of mine from years' back was travelling with us on the same train, same car, and on the seat next to me. Now I'm not a religious man that much, but someone rolled a crit there. Apart from not sleeping in practice at all, the trip was ok. (I was fighting with myself about hugging Ansku for thewhole trip because she looked so miserable when she was constantly woken as the train stopped and continued and from the annoying announcements.)

On saturday morning we embarked from the train, and spent the couple morning hours sitting and waiting at the trainstation, with couple of us still sewing their costumes together. With a quick swap to my robes, I was set for the oncoming con pretty quick. Me&Ansku set for the consite four hours before the rest, as they stayed behind to finish their costumes.

 I and Ansku spent the morning pretty much walking about at the consite, talking, taking photos and such. This was somewhat of a new experience to me, as I usually wander in cons by myself, but it was nice to have company for once. I met with couple of old friends during that time too, and too k some gorgeous photos of Ansku, even if I say so myself. I had forgotten my own camera's card back home, so I was using friend's Canon EOS. Now I loathe Canon's, but a must is a must. And I learnt to appreciate the almost instant shuttertime compared to the ~second's delay on my Fujifilm. I still love that old wreck, though =3

 Around midday, when the rest of the group had hobbled to the site, we went to eat. At first we were pondering where to go, but in the end we opted for the pizza place at the trainstation(I see a pattern here...). It's a good place, it was prolly the third or so time I was there, and the food was as good as it had been the times prior. Sadly some time after our returnto the con I got separated from the rest of th group and hardly saw them for the rest of the time. Greatest regret of the day was not being able to see Ansku off, as she had to leave on the saturday afternoon.

 Most of the afternoon&evening on saturday I spent sitting in a corner for reasons not discussable. It was pretty stupid and my behaviour was dickish toward certain someone, but I hope she can fogive me one day.(Not that I deserve it) Once I was back on my feet I did my best to make up for the time lost. I also met someone I hadn't seen in too long time.

 Around midnight people started to disembark to their respective housings for the night. As it had formed as a tradition to me, I opted to remain at the consite and struggle awake for the night. It was pain, and stupid over all, but I managed with the help of a great friend who played "Remove Kebab" from his Galaxy tab. During the night we also had he bright idea of retrieving food from a McDonalds in the city center. Now I admit, goiung into a fast food joint during sat-sun night, dressed as a monl with a sword on his back ain't the sharpest thing to do. I expected to be stabbed or something, but I was hit on by a drunk woman instead. I also received countless "samurai" and "Aragorn" shouts during my eating time in that sorry excuse of a restaurant. But the real adventure of this trip began only after we stated our return to the safety of the consite. As I exited, I received one more shout about my sword from a drunk person, and I shrugged it off just like any other. What I didn't, was the feeling and sound of my sword pulled from it's scabbard. After a brief bedlam I was able to reclaim my weapon, and I set for the consite again with my friend. One more adventure down more or less safe and sound.

Sunday began as saturday did, just mindlessly wandering about the con-area at first. I and my friend were able to steal a couple of hours of sleep on the consite's second floor, as the security was too busy patrolling the 1st floor. After that we stumbled upon a nice media student from the capital, whom with we discussed various topics for an hour or so. I also apparently saved a russian's life during that morning, am not certain. Or I'm looking forwards to a hell of a phone bill sometime soon.

 I had my panel about propmaking at 1200, which went reasonably well considering that I had slept maybe three hours in three days time. that's about 70h of being awake. After the panel. rest of the day went again with wandering the site, and playing a post-apocalyptic RPG with a couple friends. I also watched a lecture about cults, and made a magnificent exit there.

 At the end of the day, it went like it usually does; saying goodbyes and hugging people nd one handshake(because I wasn't allowed a hug although the person claims to like my hugs. Controversial, but not really my problem). It was a sad moment, as it always is. But I'll see them again. I hope.

 The train back was suprisingly painless for me. I slept 80% of the time, only out of exchaustion as I can't sleep in trains. My friends were harassed by drunk people, and I'm still a bit bitter for them no waking me up as I tend to be big and scary for people who don't know me. But in the end everything was fine and we were home safe and sound. Only that I had the English listening comprehension matriculation exam at 0800 on monday morning(I was in rovaniemi at 0730). But it went okay.

I think I've rambled on about now for too long. I have the English Matriculation proper at 0900 today, so I better go catch some sleep, or try at least.

'Til next con.

sunnuntai 5. elokuuta 2012

Where did all that time go?

Seems like I promised to report back in three days. Turns out I forgot/was too lazy to do it in three weeks. Partial perpetrator is the foul mood and general antisociality I have been experiencing.

 Also turns out that Animecon was less fun than I had remembered. Or this year's edition was faulty in some way. I reckon it has something to do with me keeping a lecture/panel in there. It went fne, thank you. I actually ha an audience with interest in the subject.

 Train travel has becomen a standard form of transportation for me. No kidding, I'm sure I have more mileage by a train than by a car in a year. Almost more use in total, but car wins with a slight head. Seats were still uncomfortable, I still couldn't sleep and they still didn't let me out no matter how much I cried and banged the windows. This time no-one tried to arrest me, (for I was carrying a realistic prop sword) but I did get the usual weird stares and ogling from the bypassers. I'm confident it's not because of my looks.

 Accommodation was as luxurious as a sports hall and a sleeping bag sounds like. I have the habit of not carrying a mattress or pillow of any kind with me for some strange twist of fate. Everytime I still remind myself to pack them. But oh well, we otakus/akibas/insert a social culture here, we make do. The security guards were quite awesome people and I made friends with a couple of them right away. Meeting old friends is always a plus, too. Sleeping without a mattress on hard floor on  the other hand isn't, but I fancy myself a trooper. So to say.

 The first day at the con went as first days generally do, with te exception of me having my panel first thing in the morning. That also meant that as a part of the staff I got past the 200-meter line (I feel no remorse toward my fellow coexisters in any way) to make it in time. Not that I would have waited in the line if I weren't in a hurry.
 Other highlights of the day were sitting about, sweating, meeting old friends, talking about propmaking, meeting Benzaie and acquiring an autograph, sweating, small amount of time taking photos, and sitting. Fairly regular conday, but uneventfullier. I'm pretty sure that's not a word.

 The party in the evening was as most of them are for a person like me who doesn't like partying; loud and sweaty. I ended up sitting/standing and talking with people in the yard most of the evening. At some point the group included a handful of people I knew from before and a couple new faces, one of which was this compact(was about to say tiny, my apologies) girl/woman, who propably was alot older than me and a lesbian who forcifully dragged me to the dancefloor and proceeded to perform an action where two persons hold eachothers' hands and wave around to loud music in poor lighting conditions. I believe it's called dancing. Attending to this cultist act was forced on my part, and I didn't find too much if any enjoyment in it. I appreciate the gesture though, but I dislike people trying to pop my bubble in which I consider myself antisocial and repulsive. It was a good try though, I give you that. At this point of the day I remembered that I hadn't remembered to eat.

I believe I covered sleeping already, but in short the floor was still hard. Cold showers too.

 Most of the second day I spent, *drumroll* sitting and sweating, what a shocker. For a moment a security guard from the last night joined me, (no longer in duty though) to elaborately explain to me how her costume of a lab coat, corset, a 21cm(important to tell) leather miniskirt, boots, suspicious liquid bottles and a whip(?) was consisted of stuff she had lying around. I'm not sure but this might have been the act comonly referred as "hitting on someone". There was no physical hitting involved.  This is all very new to me.
Apart from that slight misadventure with the opposing sex, my sitting went quite peacefully.

 Apart from sitting my day consisted of sitting somewhere else and following a bunch of semi-known people carrying/holding a bag who's name was Oliver. I followed this bunch of people to a local McDonalds to watch them eat and miss the one event during the con I had planned to attend. Welp, my bad. Good company compensated the loss though. Also at this point I recalled the day before and the fact that I still hadn't eaten, and planned to buy something to bite on the returning trip.

 The worst thing about cons is the fact that you know that they will eventually come to an end, and the thought loomed over my mind during the entire con. And when the moment to leave and say goodbye eventually came it wasn't as bad as it usually has been. Sure I felt bad for having to leave, but events folloing the con might fool my memory. I ended up saying goodbye three separate times to the same bunch of people, but I guess that's someone's way of reminding me that living this far away from people sucks most of the time. I did remember to pick up something to eat this time though, and managed to pay back a lollipo to a friend with a chocolate bar. There is an intricate backstory involved and it contains swiss black leather. (Does not contain dungeons or BDSM, neither dragons. It was pretty much a geek thing)

 The way back was pretty straightforward apart from me managing to drop my cellphone while unloading myself from the vehicle we were riding while stopping to refuel. Luckily I started missing it soon after we parted from the said gasoline depot. More luckily smeone had found it and waited for the time it took for us to turn around and retrieve it. That or someone thinks my union with this undyind piece of plastic is still too young to break. The rest of the journey I slept or readed with no remarkable success in either.

 We departed around 2000, and I arrived at home somewhere between 0200 and 0300, and after reliving myself from all the bags I was carrying, instead of doing the smart thing and operate the machine called bed I operated the machine called computer and unloaded the photos I took, little in number. only about an hour after the fatigue took the best of me and I slept.

 The following weeks were not nice to me neither in body or spirit. It was terribly hot and bright and there was endless amounts of grass to kill, and it nearly took the best of me(I suffered a heatstroke three times in two weeks cutting that green vermin). After returning home those days I realized that eve at home I was still surrounded. The grass has a friend called floor, and it likes to camoflage itself under various forms of clutter left from my adventures in Animecon. Needless to say that clutter hadd to be removed before I felt safe to turn my back to the floor again.
The spirit part I'll keep to myself, but matters with it were dreadful too. At this point I regretted not buying a chocolae bar for myself too.

 And now it's only approximately 48 hours before I need to return to develop my tolerance of stupid people. It might be a good thing partially though, I'm pretty sure walls aren't supposed to have conversation with people.

But then again, I'll be speaking about propmaking, being awake for a weekend, not eating sufficiently and meeting friends after a month again.

torstai 12. heinäkuuta 2012

The call of Animecon

Tomorrow it's time again to hit the road. Gods, it's been too long. And I should be sleeping already, as I need to wake up early. Also I should be packed by now already, but guess am I. Luckily that's a short ordeal.

Expect a conreport in three days. Signing off.

torstai 21. kesäkuuta 2012

I opened a propblog

My propbuilding will be updated to in the times to come. Feel free to drop in for a look or follow my doings.


perjantai 15. kesäkuuta 2012

The time is up.

The two years that I once promised to wait have gone by. Actually on the 7th already. But it's done, and I did it, regardless everyone told me that I couldn't or shouldn't. Pointless it was as fuck, but I still did pull through, even if there was nothing at all waiting for me on the other side, sans hate and loathing that I got on the way too.

  Those were the best six months of my life, two years ago. It felt like I had a purpose, a place in life, with someone. But eventually it ended, like first loves do. That's the trick with them, they never last. And then I was again what I had always been; a pawn in the wrong box.

  I'm pretty sure why things went like they did. I had two years to think of it. It makes sense, to me, at least, and I think that's enough. I'm not sure did I learn more of myself during the relationship or the times after, but I did learn alot. Of myself, but more about people around me. The experience made me more observant of how people behave. That's the way I've always liked things: watching from the outside. I just feel more comfortable on the edges rather than the middle of places and people.

  I thought that there'd be something grand after all this time though; like a burden would be taken off my shoulders, a feeling of accomplishment of some sort. But I don't feel any different, I don't know where to head from here. It's easier to continue with a certain objective.

But like some wise man said: When in doubt, advance/add lard/C4/do something/tell the truth/wear red/do it/don't/exchange/go for the dick joke/sing loud/take more time/go public/throw it out/use brute force/remain silent/make a fool of yourself. There's a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.

So at least I have a choice this time around.

keskiviikko 13. kesäkuuta 2012

Prometheus can go fuck himself! (With his fire!)

I didn't want to make this a negative review. I really didn't. I did hear that Prometheus was not as good as expected, but I didn't want to believe them. But about ten minutes into the film I already hated it. Why can't Ridley Scott make good films anymore? I'd really like to list him as my favourite director, but with these recent fuck-ups like Robin Hood and Kingdom of heaven(The director's cut was ok), I really can't do it. Even if my favourite movie of all time (Blade Runner) is his. I just can't.

But knee-deep into the shit. Here we go. (If you prefer the short version, I made a summary at the end. Just scroll down)

I'll... start with the things I liked about this movie. I hear it's somewhat soothing and can rationalize my thoughts. I liked the CGI. I rarely say this, I know, but the CGI was spectacular. Design was also cool(not the script you numbnuts), and props. Nowadays I generally watch movies anyway for the props, ar watch the movie from a propmaker's standpoint. Visually the movie was very pretty. I also liked David's character(the only character in the movie that REALLY had a persona, and even he was a fucking android who was supposed to not have a persona in a sense. Also he liked Lawrence of Arabia. Great flick.)

And that was a short list. Here comes the shit.

The movie opens with a scene in Scotland that makes clear the weird star arrangement thingy that SOMEHOW indicated that people in that star system in a certain planet created us humans. How does one figure that out? No clue whatsoever. Then I went apeshit when a SCIENTIST FOR GODDAMN TESLA'S TITS SAKE proves her theory by saying that she believes so. Here I realized that the movie was going to suck.

The next thing that poked my head(majorly) was the unrealistic composition of things: They are sending a SINGLE ship, crewed by seventeen people, for first contact with an alien race, practically unarmed with no military personnel whatsoever. They even exited the ship the first time completely unarmed because the annoying scientist lady(who is unfortunately also our protagonist, Noomi Rapace) said so. Fucking. Stupid. These people need to die. Luckily they do. (I'm BTW not even oing to bother with spoilers, because I hope no-one of you readers goes to see this film.)

Moving on. The lack of a leader. Or the amount of them. The ship has it's captain(who doesn't lead really anything and just flies the ship as he says himself), the science lady and her mate appointed by the oh-so-crappy-and-obvious-old-person-makeup-and-prosthetics-Mr. Weyland(Guy Pearce). They lead enough to disallow guns and then they kinda don't do it anymore because sex and alien contamination and shit. Then there's the over-aryan blonde woman(hopefully she's a woman, but evidence begs to differ), who really tries to lead this sorry pack of idiots, being one of the two sensible persons in the movie(other being the ship's captain-he just doesn't care). This obviously leads into a conflict or two between the three parties, which is trying to be plot-related but realy is not, and ends up being just annoying.

The next thing(associated with the first really) is this movie's absolute lack of science. Everyone's always just basing everything on assumptions and hunches, and fiddling foreign(plausinbly containign alien contaminants unknown to man) and alien objects bare handed, and the best way of finding out what a thingy does is pushing one's hand into it. Of course it works, and is pretty effective, but also simultaneously puts you and everyone around you into a mortal danger. NO SCIENTIST WORKS THIS WAY. Also the lack of sense, like going venturing an alien structure and allowing two team members to break off and wander off on their own, trying to return to the ship but failing to do so because they get lost although one of the two IS THE GUY WITH THE GORRAM MAP. Which he announced quite clearly few scenes back. (Also the technoviking geologist guy was pretty amusing character, although made of stupid still). Then they are left behind on the structure when the silica storm hits and shit hit's the fan and a hentai tentacle penis appears and throatfucks the other guy and kills the other too. While being stoned because the technoviking smuggled a fucking bong INSIDE HIS SKINTIGHT SUIT like a jackass. Science at work, kids.

Then there's the gorram alien head which they bring on to the ship in a giant zip-lock bag and meddle with it again, bare handed wearing little to no protection. And then they slam A FUCKING ELECTRODE into it's nerve clusters to see if tehy can make it speak and shit. Instead they manage to fucking blow it up. Because that's how scientists work, goddammit! It's the worthies genetic experiment ever and we diddle around with it like ten-year olds! And again the "no contaminants" thing, it should be "no KNOWN contaminants". Enjoy your space-AIDS, idiots. Also the annoing science lady' boyfriend starts acting up, because Daniel the homicidal android poisoned him(Good shot, Dan!) They end up burning him because it's the smart thing to do(Points to the Aryan lady, or Charlize Theron). The Aryan lady also has an escape capsule with a separate life support system and among other things, A FUCKING GRAND PIANO. Because that's fucking important on a science vessel.

Then it comes to light in a medical scan that the sterile science lady(Noomi Rapace) is three-months pregnant after ten hours of having sex with her bf(Who's quite crispy by this point). in such a short time, one would certainly feel a lump that big forming in one's lower stomach. Then, instantly after the realization she suddenly gets extensive pains to the lower stomach, and runs for the automated surgery thingy in the Aryan lady's personal palace of piano&pleasure, only to find out that it's pogrammed to do ONLY MALE SURGERIES. Really questions the Aryan lady's lady parts. But the annoying science lady gets on the machine(who apparently can't tell a man ad a woman apart) by lying to it, and then pumps her legs full of, I presume, painkiller. Then the machine just cuts her open and takes the squid embryo out and staples her back together. The surgery machine apparently hasn't heard of internal bleeding or the doctor's trade at all(I mean, I could do better and more legit surgery than this million-dollar bucket). Then the science lady RIPS HER OWN UMBILICAL CORD LIKE IT'S NOTHING.(Side note; stuck umbilical cord that has to be removed manually is the biggest cause of mothers dying giving childbirth. Because it bleeds like a motherfucker.) I laughed, it was quite silly. (After these events, on high drugs and having propably severe internal bleeding, the annoying science lady, among other things runs and fights evil, ehile she should be slumbering on the medbay floor singing about how rainbows taste good or somesuch. I don't know, never been on drugs, but I know enough about medicine to know that they hve that kind of an effect. (Also the machine has propably never heard of such things like anaesthesia. Or has no idea how it works, because it failed quite well with it)

Then the now-mutated technoviking attacks the ship after they open the ramp and go investigating the grotesque carcass like idiots, and an unnamed character gets killed, and they kill the technoviking mutant by driving over him/it and shooting at it with guns they farted out of fucking nowhere. (Why din't they carry the guns in the first place? I mean they're ONLY making a likely-violent first contact with an alien race, nothing could go wrong!) Also David(the homicidal android) discovered an alien ship with a living Kratos-alien-creature in stasis, and they take the Mr.Weyland(saw it coming), who was suggled aboard by the Aryan lady(Charize Theron) who, in a jawclenching plot element is Mr. Weyland's daughter. Or son, I don't know, to the alien ship to meet his maker. Maker apparently didn't like his ugly prosthetics because he plops David(the homicidal androd)'s hear off and kills Mr. Weyland, or mortally wounded his already dying body. So he kinda killed an already dead man. Then the now-awake and angry Kratos-alien tries to take off and fly the ship to Earth(The ship being loaded with the canister thingys that contained the alien black goo and weird ampulls with the aim to kill everyone. Heroic captain decides to intervene and crashes Prometheus into it's side and crashes them both. Aryan lady removes herself from the ship before the crash via a lifepod(instead of her lifeboat thingy which was also jettisoned. Makes no sense). She ends up flat under the crashing alien ship which also almost ended the annoying science lady(Noomi Rapace), but not quite. She's running out of air and rushes to the lifeboat that crashed nearby, to make a reminiscent to the original Alien movie's ending scene aboard the escape craft Narcissus. The squid embryo has while all this shit happened growed into a Cthulhu, and tries to throatfuck the annoying science lady, and then David(the homicidal android)(or his head) contacts the science lady, and tells that he's coming for her, and boom, Kratos out of fucking nowhere. Sciecne lady cunningly releases Cthulhu on him and runs like a sissygirl. Kratos is throtfucked and eventually gives birth via his chest to a weird prototype of the original alien(not big surprise).

While this shit goes on, the science lady retrieves David(the homicidal android) who claims to know how to pilot an alien ship off the rock, and they have this stupd conversation about god an creator, that could have been VERY deep, and COULD have saved the movie if it was made a bigger part of the plot,but instead the idiot of a science lady just shrugs it off with a "I believe in what I choose to believe", which makes no sense in a situation where the origin of humankind was proved to be something else than god. They fly off to have revenge and THANK GOD the credits roll.

-Action movie instead of a Sci-Fi horror like the origina flicks.
-Baaaaaaaaaaad acting performances besides David(the homicidal android)
-Stupid plot
-stupid characters
-Setting mishaps
-Lack of science(beyond movie allowances of suspension of disbelief)
-No message delivered although message delivery intended

-Pretty. Very pretty.
-Good scripting for the android.

There. Don't watch it. I'd show it to people as a demonstration of a badly done and pointless movie but I'm pretty sure it's against the Genova convention.

lauantai 2. kesäkuuta 2012

I am not a party person.

As many of you know, today was the graduation day for many of us. Unfortunately that means they are going to throw parties and invite their close ones to celebrate. Most of us think that parties are nice. I don't. Mostly because I'm not that good a people person, but also I am just terrible at small talk, because most if not all of my interests are either disgusting or socially unaccepted. So I mostly just sit idly at parties, doing nothing, and maybe, MAYBE talk about something with someone who might have similar interests with me, and even that mostly ends in someone telling me that I did something wron or said something wrong or I was insultive or somesuch. All in all, most parties just leave me depressed and/or angry. Worst though is if I am having a party(that is, someone forces me to have a party). I hate being the center of things most of the time. Especially when I don't want to or I am forced to. Although human is, by it's nature, a pack animal, at heart I prefer being on my own, or in a small group.
  That said, this time of the year is somewhat painful for a person like me.

perjantai 27. huhtikuuta 2012

*Obligatory fangirlish blog entry about an awesomest movie the writer has recently seen*

Okay, so I watched Avengers. And I obviously LIKED IT. I seriously walked to the theater wit the mindset "OK superhero movies haven't sucked massively lately, and because the power of Joss Whedon, It might be good". I also didn't planon going to the premiere, but a friend invited me to fill an empty seat(I paid for it though). BUT BOY WAS IT LIKE, THE BEST MOVIE LATELY EVER. Even thogugh it contained characters I disliked from other superhero movies, like Captain America(might watch one day) and Thor(Never will see). They were also made interesting, which was a pleasant surprise.

  Right now, I'd ask you to sit back, take a comfortable position, something to drink, and maybe something to eat, and spoilers will follow. So, If you haven't watched the movie yet, GO ALREADY, then come back, and read on.

  The movie's beginning let me know of itself only when the subtitles hit the screen, which wasn't neccessarily a bad thing. There was no text in the beginning whatsoever, nothing to tell where we were or so on. Actually, the beginning must've been the weakest part of the movie, as it states only that Loki is a bad guy, and Fury can't fight him alone, thus he called code seven and declared war. And that Hill exist only to get shot/car crashed/hit/violenced. Acting work was also pretty bad, mostly extras, Fury&Loki, so it's not so big surprise. Also I loved the car symbolism in the beginning sequence's car chase. Bad guys were driving a Hummer H3(not  Humvee), and the good guys were operating either some regular civil car or a Jeep, because Hummer=Bad. Also the H3 was the only Hummer of the cars, the rest were just plain military HMMWV. Also was the only black Hummer. Symbolism declared. After these happenings the beginning screen hits you in the face with the subtlety of a piano dropped off a cliff. That's none whatsoever if someone didn't catch it.
Also, Fury seems to just be so badass that he's bulletproof. Him taking hits continuously is never explained in the flick. Also his clothing is too tight-fitting to conceal any modern bulletproof vests, but I settle for him being badass enough just to not die whe he oughta.

  Following sequence took the better part of the first hour of the movie, where they quickly introduced the cast for the watchers not familiar with the Avengers beforehand, which was conceived surprisingly well, with obvious Whedonian humour elements with certain members of the cast *COUGH*Stark, Captain*COUGH* Also brings me to wonder, is every single superhero in the 'verses taught to fight with stool legs? Which is awesome in it's own right, of course.

 Introduction was followed with the capture of Loki and Loki's forces' assault on the Mothership Helicarrier(Which I will return to later, otherwise I'll be disoriented), which took the shorter part of the first hour of the movie, during which was also the obligatory fight between the Avengers, which was PORN. I mean it, concentrated awesomeness. Also introduced was a plot item I am genuinely proud that was not used in the end. It was a delicious plot device indeed. But when Jarvis' sweet machiney voice stated "Core output 400%" and Tony answered "How about that." I came in about sixteen different ways, only at that one scenes. Basically whenever Tony was on scree, I came multple times. I still wonder how my pants are in relatively one piece. Cap's(and Tony's) WWII nazi reference was a good one too, although worn. AND FURY DOESN'T TELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE.
  Also a matter that I'm proud Whedon managed, was that everyone in the cast got their moment to shine, even side characters like Coulson( I KNOW, IT'S SAD. BOTH HIS DEATH AND THE FACT THAT HE IS, INDEED, A SIDE CHARACTER. OH YEAH THIS WAS ALSO A SPOILER).
I'm beginning with an also again, to tell that jokes are tossed ALL THE TIME even by the "serious" characters, like Fury. Completely aside are the (homo)sexual tensions that most of the time aren't visible to untrained personnel, but other times just whacks you in the face, just to make clear it's still there. And nothing wrong with homosexuality and/or homosexual tensions.

  The ending half was basically just the Big End Battle, with nothing wrong with it. It just worked, and everyone again had their places which they, again, performed well. Only thing bugging me was Thor's comment about the alien army, when he said "They are Critaurs(?), no-one knows anything about them". How did he know they exist then?
  End resolution of the Nuke being tossed in the giant glowing anus in the sky by Tony was obvious, but working ending. The happening was tragic and romantic too, when Tony(Jarvis) tried to call Pepper, but didn't get through, showing that Tony, afterall, actually, has a heart. If he'd had died at that moment, I would have been happy with it. It was so well composed, and told so much of his character, that I would have let it pass. But luckily it didn't, and my(And obviosly the director's, too) favourite character is still alive. Speaking of which, Tony/Iron Man had unbelievably much screentime, In my theory because he's awesome, he's awesome, and also because he's awesome, without forgetting that he's awesome. And, oh so handsome too. (Bet you didn't see that coming).
And here I'll return to the curious case of Mothership, which was the awesomest and obscurest vehicle in the world. I knew it was amphibious beforehand, so that didn't surprise me that much actually, but OH SO BEAUTIFUL BE MINE. It was fragile though. I'd think it'd be designed so, that it'd be able to hover with 50%thrust, but it seems to almost topple over at the temporare loss of one, which is kinda stupid. But plotpoint, Tony needed something to do, something to be cool with, and instate that Cap is an idiot regarding science. Second thing tht bugged me was the overlapping twin flight decks. Only one of them would be capable of landing an aircraft, and most of the vehicles(WHICH WERE PRETTY TOO) were V/STOL capable. Which reminds me of Hulk smashing a Harrier, which made me creak in horror, pain, and tears. It was a sad moment. ALSO FURY FIRING AN RPG AT A PLANE CARRYING A NUKE. BAD FUCKING ASS.

 Ok, before my fingers either melt or merge with my keyboard, I'll wrap up with Pro's and Con's.

-Avengers' interaction with eachother. Pure comedic gold.
-Wonderful acting performances
-Joss Whedon(What?)
-Cool baddies
-Ludicruos jokes EVERYWHERE

-Weak opening
-Few science/physics facts
-Hill's unneccessariness

If at this point it isn't clear, I LIKED/LOVED IT GO WATCH IT NOW IF YOU DISREGARDED MY EARLIER NOTE. Definitely going to buy the DVD when it comes out for rewatch&extras.
What? A positive review from me? MADNESS? SPARTA?! No, a great movie. Yes, they do exist.
And they are out there.


maanantai 23. huhtikuuta 2012

Always forward...never left or right.

Today was an another one of those days. Days when I wander in thought, reminiscent my past, think of different scenarios, how things could have ended, how thing should have ended.
It ends in grief. It always does.
 I'm at an intersection right now. A three-forked road. One has a certain goal, but the road is rough, one has good odds, but high stakes, and the last one is a shot in the dark, a dance on a misty minefield.
I have gambled alot with my life, and lost enough. Though still the chance of winning and claiming all from the table intrigues me. Clarity would be a good change to my life of lies and betrayal, but then again, a leap into the unknown might just be the thing I need. Too bad faith and I aren't at exactly good terms.
In other words, I have no clue what to do. And I can't keep hoping forever that things become clearer or some options remove themselves from the equation(some of them might be the right path afterall. If there is such a thing, that is of course)

torstai 19. huhtikuuta 2012

The thought returns...

And here I am, fighting with my feelings again. I thought I knew better than to fall for someone(or someones) again, but I guess one can't defy one's heart.
 But, inevitably I will come over the only conclusion of the trial of a new relationship to be redundant, as as far as my experience shows, it'll end badly, no matter what I do. So, if the failure is a certainty, why bother? One could argue the educational values of the experience in between the try and fail, but I personally have found that time between those two deplorably short, so the learning curve would be small if not nonexistent.
 Also one could argue the odds of the failure, but if a love relation ends, something went wrong. My one and only love relationship taught me alot, but then again if m speculations are correct, substance of this said wasn't love, but support. And as the support(me) became superfluous, the additional variable was removed from the calculation.
 So, if I've elarned something, it is that most things, that are generally classified as feeling-controlled, are actually just sub-conscious deeds of survival&health masqueradinga as feelings. With this in mind, I should ask myself, do I even want a relationshipin the first hand. Though I do miss the feeling of an oxitosine kick when one kisses, hugs or does anything with the one who he/she loves.

But I think I can do fine  without.

maanantai 16. huhtikuuta 2012

I'm never getting rid of these =D

No, really, thanks. I was bored^^

1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create eleven questions for the people you tag to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs
6. You legitimately have to tag
*sigh* eleven facts of boringness, coming right away.

1. In case somene didn't already know, I LOVE MTN DEW.
2. I have too much time to think about things.
3. I have apretty good hand at a multitude of different media
4. Metal Gear& The Witcher are my favourite game serieses
5. I'm a daydreamer. Sometimes goes well with the excess of time.
6. I write poetry.
7. I LOVE steam&dieselpunk. Because PRETTYYYYYY~
8. I like to venture to places most people wouldn't.
9. I have great interest in conspiracy theories and generally underground activity in everyday life
10. I could be called a self-learned expert on military weapons&equipment
11. I'm one of those geek-otaku hybrid. As some people say, an akiba.

Chikatsuno's questions:

1. Cookie or cupcake? Why?
Cupcakes. Cupcakes aren't neccessarily dry

2. Tradional or Digital art?
Traditional. Because I suck at digital =D
3. What is your music taste like?
Beaugh, variable. If I like something, I like it. I don't generally pick music by genre or anything.

4. Would you rather have money or happiness? And why?
Depends on the quantity. If I could have 10€ or happiness, I'll take happiness.
Though if we are talking of loadsa monee!(DoSH!), I'd take the cash. And run.
(Why? Because I can have happiness whenever I want. So can you, whoever you might be)

5. What type of literature do you like?
Fantasy, horror, "mature" literature, not as in porn, but as in realistic and concerning subjects liek politics, war, etc.
6. Your favorite color and what it represents?
Crimson red. commonly associated with subjects like fire, love, energy, strenght, power, determination, passion and desire. For me, it's a beautiful color.
7. What country's culture do you like? Anything specifically?
Australia. Relaxed, down to earth lifestyle, coupled with a beautiful country.
Climate could be less bright though.

8. Do you play any instrument?
Guitar sometimes. Not playing actively, just once in a while.

9. Is there something you hate? And what is it?
STUPIDITY. Most people have been issued with a perfectly good brain within birth, and it's supposed to be used.

10. What is your favorite food?
Hm, tough one. Gotta say sautéed elk. It's one of the few "real" foods that I genuinely like.
(disclaimer: in this context, 'genuinely' means that I can eat almost anything, and call it good, with only a few foods that I LIKE.)
11. Your favorite quote?
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"

My questions:

1. If you were a vehicle, what kind of a vehicle would you be?
2. What is the ONE item, that will always grant you victory?
3. Favourite movie/TV series? Why?
4. Favourite tree?
5. Job you'd NEVER do?
6. If you could have all the money (DoSH!) you would need to buy ONE thing, what would it be?
7. Favourite shape? (running low here)
8. If you'd have to belong to a criminal/underground syndicate, which'd it be?
9. If you could change one thing from the world's history, what would it be? Why?
10. Describe your wallpaper in three words (It's not aquestion, but it COULD be a question)
11. favourite apparell?

Pretty much favourites.
If you feel like it, consider yourself tagged. Not tagging anyone because of late.

Have a good one.

lauantai 7. huhtikuuta 2012

How shall this world once remember me.

I've lately comen to wonder what will I leave behind. I know, it's kinda early to think of it, as I am only just turned 18, but then again, every turn might be my last. But. back into the subject: what will be my mark? Will it be meaningful? Will it affect anything? What or who are my legacy?

 Lately I have also dreamt of what would setting up a family be like. It's not the first time, but it's a first time in a long while. Maybe it's because my promise is almost filled, maybe it's that I'm jsut becoming lonely. What would raising kids be like? What would I teach them? What would I tell them about their grandparents, their ancestors? Then again, do I even want kids? Do I want to bring more people to strain the already too thin-stretched planet of ours? Do I want to bring chilren to a vile world like ours? Should I even have a legacy, or would it be better(or worse) to the world if my memory just ceased to exist?

 I have also thought of the possibility of having a relationship again. Though Her memory is still strong, and hasn't faded, I have learned to suppress or convert the energy that earlier projected as sadness. She is no longer a restrain, but a power source. As clichy as it sounds, I have finally managed to face my weakness and turn it into strenght. Though I still haven't(and propably never will) forgiven myself.

 All of this, though, has a dark side too. As a result, I have been pretty exchausted for some time. Also I have been more snappy than usual, and even more remote from People than usual, and I'd like to apologize it. I's not much use, I know, since most of people don't read my blog, but like this I can make terms of it with myself.

 Things won't go down as I'd like them to, that's for sure. But then again, do they ever?

tiistai 6. maaliskuuta 2012

Thought for the day

When some two people are dating, why does someone ALWAYS, without exception, call them a perfect couple? Since the crude fact is, that roughly 70% of relationships end in somethng else than death. Of course, it's really nice and all to say that, but I reckon anyone would respect more if people would have the balls to speak their mind. I know I would.

 In short, a public service announcement: speak your mind, have the balls to say what you really think, not what sounds approppriate.

maanantai 5. maaliskuuta 2012

Ok, this is no longer even funny.

As some of you may know, I had my birthday a while ago. What I got was a little money and the pressure on me to do stuff, as I'm supposed to be an adult now.
But: moving forth, I had thought that I'd buy one of two things I had though as a birthday present to myself today. As usually during holidays, I sleep the day and am awake the nights, this, howewer, wasn't the problem.

 One thing that I had thought to buy was The Witcher 2, a game I had waited long to 1)play 2) buy, as until recently I didn't have a computer that would run it. When I got the comp, I did' have the money to buy it. So, I decided that I'd buy it on my birthday/soon after it.

 So, what happened was: I woke up at roughly 1520, and was getting up, when my broher said:
"Guess what I bought from the flea market?"
At that point I just though "Oh gods, this is no longe even funny..."
"I bought TW2! For 8€!"
(For the record, I was planning to buy it as new, ~70€, after being out for a year)
Needless to say, I'm not exactly happy about this. Because my brother, logically, is going to install the game on his computer, and register onto his Steam account, meaning that I can't install it on my computer and play it at all. Plus, his computer is way better than mine, and I'mgoing to have to liten to him for eternity about how pretty the game is.´

Really, am I cursed or something? All I want, one or both of my brothers acquire before me. They'll propably be the first to move away too. Seriously, somethimes I just feel like walkin away from the door, with my stuff, and never come back.

perjantai 2. maaliskuuta 2012

Achievement unlocked: Live for 18 standard years

That's 6557 days if my math is right(It usually ain't).

So now  I am legally allowed to do things that  I have been doing for the previous n years. So in common that means nothing. 18 is, to me, just a number among others. Being "adult" feels no different whatsoever to not being. Don't even care about getting old either really.

  Spent tonight watching Pitch Black and Firefly (no reviews this time, folks. I love both)with a couple friends(Van, Pirre, Prem, thanks. You made my night), drinking dew, eating chips and being generally snarky and bitchy and fun=). Best b-day in ages, can't figure a better way to spend it(with family? No, don' wanna do that fiasco of last year all over again. We had a fight over that I didn't want to put butterscotch on my ice cream. Seriously).

  In the future? Same 'ol, same 'ol, and most likely driving school sometime soon. I don't even want a car, I want a motorcycle(not a chopper, an old school BMW, preferably with a detachable sidecar). I was never a car guy, and never will(unless I happen over a DeLorean, that is)

Closing thoughts, well. Another day of my normal, boring life. Managed to avoid public knowledge of my birthday in school and the most-likely very complex traps some of my friends had laid on me for today. In short, I call it a success. Another celebration cleverly avoided.

torstai 23. helmikuuta 2012

I never asked for this.

Needless to say, DXHR has been taking a considerable amount of my time lately. Too much, really. But onto the subject.

 For the last two years life has gone exactly as I planned it not to. I just realized this. Right now, I was supposed to be enthusiasticly waiting for a certain person to graduate and move to Rovaniemi, and plan a life together from there on. I was supposed to be happy. But things change, that is life. She's lost to me now.
 I don't really know what am I aiming at in life. I never did. Once I finish highschool, It's going to be a little too much of a blank slate for me. All the power in the world to go where ever I want to, but no direction to pick.

 On the other hand being alone has it's perks, got to admit. And I've got used to it. Life's alot simpler when I don't really have to include anyone else than myself into my plans. Harder it is though, but I can take it, I reckon.

I have truly tried to update more often, but the text just hasn't comen to me before this.

lauantai 11. helmikuuta 2012

We march for Macragge!

So I watched the recent Warhammer 40.000 movie 'Ultramarines'. It is, again, one of the se movies that I could and truly want to like, but again, am disappointed by on at least few levels. Make no mistake,I enjoyed the heck out of it, and can actually recommed it to fans of the games. Granted that it might be tainted by the Warp a bit, but then again, I'm no chaplain.

 I'll start by listing the few things that sticked out like a sore thumb, as I usuallly do. It makes teh good parts seem even better. Firstly: A team of twelve(I think, I didn't count them) Ultramarines sent on a rescue missio, seems legit so far, Space Marines are afterall kick-ass. They discover roughly 100(SPOILER: at least 98) slain Marines of the Imperial Fists. Marines. Slain. A hundred. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. There. No well-taught marine can possibly make such a miscalculation of teh odds: it's completely common that when a single Space Marine battlebarge enters a system taht the planets one by one surrender(for the record: single battlebarge carries approx. 1-3 teams of marines, that's 5-20 per team. Do the math.), so it seems somewhat unwise to engage an enemy strong enough to wipe out a battalion of Marines.
 Second:(HUGE SPOILER) The demon. The very presence of the demon. Ordo Malleus' article regarding dealing with demons says that the demon may be engaged in combat when teh demon is smaller than a goat. Otherwise, straight out exterminatus, with no remorse(exceptations may occur if concerning a significant Hive/Forge world or Terra). The demon was at least the size of a full-grown elephant. An then they beat it up with an exceptionally kick-ass hammer. Yay for the xp for non-combat veteran troops, makes me wonder what are they doing outside of the Grey Knights.
 Third(this is just something that bugged me) bolter rate of fire. Everyone seems to fire only semi-auto or three round bursts, even the heavy bolter. And on the same note I could say that Marines don't fall from a single bolter round. From a single well-placed heavy bolter, or if they were using specialized rounds they could, but they were Chaos Marines, so that can be pretty much ruled out.

Ok, then the stuff that I liked. Firstly, the music. O boy, I loved the music. Although clearly a small-budget movie, the solid soundtrack saves a lot. Voice acting was ok, not the best possible, but passable. Fight choreography was also good, they looked dynamic(although there were exceptations).
The Space Marine lore was brought out in acceptable amounts, although I would have loved to see/hear more of it. Some things were good to be left out though; properely explaining them would have at least doubled the lenght of the movie.

Bottomline: If you like Warhammer 40k, you'll like, at least enjoy the Ultramarines. I can't say with a straight face that it'd be good, buut if you don't know much of the backstory, or can supress it, it will be an impressive and inspiring experience. I would suggest this, but not to thh die-hard fans.

We march for Macragge!

keskiviikko 1. helmikuuta 2012

Well, I watched Terra Nova.

There was this "sci-fi" TV show called Terra Nova that started airing in Finland last saturday. Unfortunately I missed teh first episode, and decided that illegal download was the way to go this time, and downloaded the first episode. Well, I accidentally downloaded the first season instead, so I thought that what the heck.

 Well, hate to bring this down to you, but it wasn't too good. Wasn't too bad either, though. It was like The Little House in the Praerie with dinosaurs. Yeah, and 85 million years in(apparently) the past.
The plot was....Ugh, just like any other teenager drama ever. But with dinosaurs! That's got to be good, right?
 The main plot, beyond the whole teeangers-in-love shit is, surprisingly, pretty entertaining. Story of settlers in a hostile world trying to get along, this could have been soooooooo good if it were serious all along. I'm talking Firefly good, this series had SO much potential, but tehy screwed it to up the number of viewers. They tried to take a serious premise, and make it the whole family's show. unfortunately, I liked some of the plot twists enough to not spoil it for the readers, this part will be considerably shorter than usual with my reviews.

 I've heared the rumor that Terra Nova would be the most expensive TV show ever produced, and I wouldn't be surprised. The environments, the vehicles, all are top notch. Except props and armor. In spite of the 20 million budget, every single prop gun in this show is made from a Nerf gun, apparently to make the show more kid-friendly. The armors also, are all just motorcycle/paintball armor, which, for a prop person like me, is disappointing, it doesn't even look that futuristic(Wanna see good futuristic armor and props? Watch Aliens.) Clothing department though, was great(although I hated the Justin Bieber impression they pulled off with the protagonist's son)

 I can't say that I'd suggest the show for anyone, but if you like shoddy sci-fi wannabe teenager dramas, your of cup of tea.

Bottomline: Terra Nova starts very slowly, and without the stupid sideplots it would have been much better. Also, I was little disappointed with the shortness of it(only 11 episodes, with the first and last double the length of other ep's). It had potential, but again, capitalism wrecks art.

torstai 12. tammikuuta 2012

Well, what a surprise.

...And there went nothing. Supposedly I ain't supposed to feel anything when nothing went, and nothing left, but then again, a vacuum kills a person pretty much.

 I don't know why do I keep repeating my mistakes, maybe it's a childish wish doing something again with the fool's hope that it'd work this time around.

I envy sociopaths on this subject. They won't have to suffer this kind of controversy ever in their lives, everything is so logical. While everything IS so bloody logical, there's this thing called morale that intervenes with just about everything and progressively makes things more difficult the more you know anything. And if it is ignored, it makes you feel so goddamnedly bad. In fact, morale is pretty much an attention whore, poking it's head up in every single possible crack to either make you change your mind or vomit guiltyness all over you. A whole different ballgame is the social results of ignoring what morale has to say, which is, on most cases, loathe, hate, outright fights and persecution. Like it's not enough that you vomit shitty feelings over me, you have to ask your friends to kick me too while I'm down. And finding vengeange is no good either-It's just digging your grave even deeper. In the end it'll make you do things it's way or make just about everyone hate you and lock you into a cell for the rest of your sorry life.

Feelings are deceptious. I shouldn't listen to them at all.

lauantai 7. tammikuuta 2012

A game of Shadows.

Just back from the theater, watched the new SH movie. It was....Good? Ish? Don't get me wrong, I liked the flick, but this? Sherlock? This was fanservice. And explosions. And gay jokes. But it was enjoyable, definitely enjoyable. Not orthodox Holmesness, but enjoyable.

 The beginning was slow. Not as in highspeed camera slow, but slow. Nothing really happened. As the first act of movies nowadays often contains an action sequence, this didn't so much. I mean, there was some action... I think? but nothing really happened. A few further plot points were set, and a pointless character killed (SPOILER: Adler) but overall, uneventful.  Pretty much everything that was instated was stated through conversation, which isn't that bad choice, but it's main point was more to instate the bro relationship between Watson and Holmes.

 The Stag party was there just to reinforce the bromance of Watson and Holmes(as if it needed any reinforcing). Ok, there was a plotwise-important character introduced, and a ninja cossack, but it seemed a little vague. They just needed a scene to introduce a character(more a plotpoint) and to get Watson drunk. And a ninja cossack.  The wedding scene  really gave nothing to the plot but the fact that Watson got married, it was like a prologue to the train scene. In which, more gay jokes. which is not that bad actually. Propably because I spend too much time in mentally unhealthy company, but I'm a glutton for punishment. And seriously, british railways, I tip a hat to your timetables, the train is on-time, even if it blows in half on the way. And a woman thrown off the train, because nothing can't stand between Holmes and Watson. And drag-Holmes, really? Really. That was unneccessary. One thing why the sequel was worse than the first, where in the first little things like this were used to spice a scene, and in here whole scenes were built around the comedy.
Sidenote, lipstick was invented in 1915, which makes it an anachronism.
Another sidenote, Mrs. Watson is a badass.

 The boat scene, well, was just to give watson a reason to be a little "Aww" towards Sherlock as he(conveniently) fiddled with Adler's hanky, and he realized that she was dead. But, as the friend I went to the movies with noted, that tuberculosis death smells different and thus Adler might be alive afterall. I doubt it, though. Would be pretty clever, but then again I am too optimistic about people who write movies.

 The stuff in France, and the new gypsy-character's joining to the party, because it was getting awfully gay and british(no offense). Plotpoint makes clear of it's existence and Moriarty fools Holmes to show that he's smart and evil that way. Also, a point of interest, Holmes spotted a bullet hole in a window which remained intact after the CG scene where all the windows(at the rough same distance to the bomb) were splintered to bits, how does that work out? Physics? Sleeping again?

One infernal pony and border-jumping later begins the ifiltration to an evil Teutonic arms factory. Big arms(not the body parts) btw. Holmes gets flayered for a plot point, and Watson compensates with about 95mm too big gun( points for smartness though. When fighting a sniper, you don't play fair. Great comic relief, too). Sherlock dies(for a change) and Watson saves him with combination of movie-CPR and plot point(bromance level up!)

As Sherlock mutters something about Switzerland every even semi-competent Holmes fan knows that we're coming to a wrap. Holmes dances with the gypsy woman and Watson. Yes, Watson. Mind you, gayness was kinda no-no back in the 1890s, that scene was just stupid.

And then comes the "final fight", where Moriarty and Holmes play chess and Holmes is all like "My apperentice will foil your plan!" and Moriarty is all like "Mwahahaha, he may have survived from my pointless murder attempt, but he can't solve this!" For incredibly smart people that Holmes and Moriarty are, it's beyond me how they fail by putting the king and queen in wrong spots on a chessboard.

 Watson of course succeeds in foiling the evil plan, but the evil henchman(conveniently the gypsy woman's brother) dies. This was supposed to be a sad thing, but really the viewer was given no reason to pity this nameless side character. Holmes also beats Moriarty in chess, and reveals the plotpoint worth being flayered and they share a (I'm not even kidding) telepathic Sherlockvision moment where they plan a fight choreography which Sherlock waters by boringly hopping off the cliff in front of Watson's eyes.

 The movie wraps up with watson writing about Holmes' plunge to death with the Napoleon of crime and receives a package that contains the plotpoint(A breathing device) that saved Holmes' life. HOW does a Breathing device small as your fist save you from a two-kilometer fall to water? At the point they'd hit water downstream would be Holmes-Moriarty(Not a slash pairing pelase, no...) pudding with that velocity. Watson rockets off to catch the mailboy who presumably was Holmes alive afterall but it isn't because Holmes had disguised himself as a sofa. Yes, a sofa. To hit a question mark behind THE END in Watson's (presumably) book.

Now it would seem that I hated the movie, although I claimed otherwise. No, I liked it, not as much as I liked the first one, but I liked it. I can easily see myself buying a DVD of it when one comes out, but not with full price.(more for the propable and hoped extras). Now, as what they ended the movie with, there propably will be a third one, I'll propably watch it, it wasn't that bad.

 Also there was the one "Oh my god what the fuck am I seeing this is funny" scene, which was when Watson's wife was fished off the river where she freshly dropped and taken to safety by Mycroft, whoo, ultimately at his house, strips stark naked(thank gods off-camera) and kinda just appears out of nowhere in Mrs. Watson's face. That would have been jsut a boring exposition scene, but the naked Stephen Fry, even how stupid it will sound, made funny. There were more of these scenes that were just genius in my opinion, but I can't remember all of them.

Bottomline: Too comedic approach. The first movie had an almost perfect balance of seriousness, comedy and gay jokes, which worked perfectly i the amounts they were administered, but all of these were jsut amped up in the second one, which made them less funny. Altogether, still an enjoyable package, but nothing too spectacular. All in all I had a nice movie experience in good company and I do not feel like I've wasted an evening(Like I did with I am Number Four...still shivers me). Go watch it, if you liked the first movie, but don't expect miracles.(expect gay jokes instead)

keskiviikko 4. tammikuuta 2012

It's been a while.

It's been a while. Again. *sigh*

Holiday's been ok. I got a new computer, so one'd expect me to update more often. Unfortunately my inspiration has been nowhere to be found.

 Catching up with updates on different sites is tedious. Really. I've been up nights just because I'm bored(what a surprise) and I want to get all videos out of the way as soon as I can. Also, I've became somewhat obsessive compulsive to keep my work table(=computer table) clean. And my things generally. Not "clean" as in "Neat" clean, but uncluttered(excluding my writing desk which is somewhat inaccessible).

 Things are rolling into a good direction, or so I hope. At least they are rolling into a direction in general, for a change. But ultimately, when something clicks into place, something falls off. Things just won't want to work with me at all, not implying that it'd be special in any way.

 I've found myself more and more staying awake for 18 hours + periods, and then sleeping from 6-12 hours at a time. Dreams have been more vivid, though I can't remember any of my dreams. Maybe it's better that way.

I hope things will turn out somehow. Maybe more preferably for the better.